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deprecated class %ZEN.componentParameters

Property superclass used to define special parameters for ZEN components.


parameter ZENCLIENTONLY = 0;
If true, then the associated property is treated as a client-only property. That is, it is part of the client-side object but it is not synched to the server-version of the object and is not serialized.
parameter ZENENCRYPT = 0;
If true, then the associated property will be encrypted when sent to the client.
parameter ZENEXPRESSION = 0;
If true, this indicates that the associated property can contain a #()# expression that will be evaluated by the property's component.
parameter ZENLOCALIZE = 0;
If true, then the associated property will have localization support automatically created for it.
parameter ZENSETTING = 1;
If true, then the associated property is treated as a "setting" in the client object. That is, it is reported as a setting and it is accessible via the client getProperty / setProperty API.


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