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abstract class Ens.Enterprise.MsgBank.Purge

Method Inventory


classmethod EventLogCount() as %Integer
classmethod GetAllCounts(Output pCount)
classmethod KillGlobals(pDeletedCount, pKeepExtentCount=0, pDisplayLog=1, pBodiesToo=0)
For debugging only! This will kill your data. Kill all standard runtime storage in the current namespace. Does not include storage globals from message classes you have defined that are not derived from Ens.MessageBody - to kill those you will need to do a MessageHeader purge with pBodiesToo=1.
classmethod MessageCount() as %Integer
classmethod PurgeAll(Output pDeletedCount, pDaysToKeep As %Integer = 7, pKeepIntegrity As %Boolean = 1, pBodiesToo As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod PurgeEventLogsByDate(pDaysToKeep As %Integer = 7, Output pDeletedCount As %Integer, pKeepIntegrity As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod PurgeMessagesByDate(pDaysToKeep As %Integer = 7, Output pDeletedCount As %Integer, pKeepIntegrity As %Boolean = 1, pBodiesToo As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod ShowGlobals(pBodiesToo As %Boolean = 0)
For debugging: show all standard runtime storage in the current namespace. Note that storage globals are not included from message classes you have defined that are not derived from Ens.MessageBody.
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