About This Book
See the Table of Contents for a detailed listing of the subjects covered in this document.
This book describes how to use InterSystems ODBC, which enables you to connect to InterSystems databases from external applications (such as a development tool or report writer) via ODBC, and allows InterSystems products to access external ODBC data sources.
Tthe following topics are covered:
Overview — provides an overview of the InterSystems ODBC driver.
Using an InterSystems database as an ODBC Data Source on Windows — describes how to use an InterSystems database as an ODBC data source on Windows.
Using an InterSystems database as an ODBC Data Source on UNIX® — describes how to use an InterSystems database as an ODBC data source on UNIX®.
ODBC Installation and Validation on UNIX® Systems — describes tools test and validate ODBC installations. It also provides instructions for stand-alone installation and for custom iODBC installation.
Using the SQL Gateway with ODBC — describes how to use ODBC and the SQL Gateway to link to an external table or stored procedure, and how to migrate data from an external table.
Logging and Environment Variables — describes some tools you can use to perform troubleshooting..
For more information, try the following sources:
The book Using Caché with JDBC includes information on JDBC connectivity to Caché from external data sources (the JDBC equivalent of what is described in this manual).
The chapter on “Using the SQL Gateway” in Using SQL provides an overview of how the SQL Gateway works with both ODBC and JDBC.