Specifying an Update Plan
Specifying an Update Plan
To specify the update plan for a cube group and its cubes:
Display the Cube Manager in tree view.
Click the group in the middle area.
In the Details pane on the right, specify the following information:
Name — Unique name of this group.
Exclude — Controls whether the generated tasks perform update activities for cubes in this group. Initially this option is selected, and the group is excluded.
The Cube Manager displays any excluded groups or cubes with a gray background.
Update Plan — Select an update plan.
Note that the Cube Manager does not permit you to use synchronization unless that cube supports it (as described earlier in this chapter). For example, you can choose the Build and Synch plan for the group, but the Cube Manager automatically sets the update plan to Build for any cube that does not support synchronization.
Important:Before you synchronize cubes from the Cube Manager, it is necessary to build the cubes at least once from the Cube Manager.
Build every — Use these fields to specify the schedule for the build task (if applicable).
Synch every — Use these fields to specify the schedule for the synchronization task (if applicable).
Build Cubes Synchronously — Select this to cause DeepSee to build these cubes synchronously (if applicable). If this option is clear, DeepSee builds them asynchronously.
Initially, these details apply to all cubes in the group. If you edit details for a specific cube and then later want to reapply the group defaults, click Apply to All Cubes in Group.
Optionally click a cube within this group (in the middle area) and edit information for that cube in the Details pane on the right.
The options are similar to those for the entire group, but include the following additional options, depending on whether the cube supports synchronization:
Post-Build Code — Specify a single line of ObjectScript to be executed immediately after building this cube. For example:
do ##class(MyApp.Utils).MyPostBuildMethod("transactionscube")
Pre-Synchronize Code — Specify a single line of ObjectScript to be executed immediately before synchronizing this cube. For example:
do ##class(MyApp.Utils).MyPresynchMethod("transactionscube")
If needed, to abort the synchronization, do the following in your code:
Post-Synchronize Code — Specify a single line of ObjectScript to be executed immediately after synchronizing this cube. For example:
do ##class(MyApp.Utils).MyPostsynchMethod("transactionscube")
In all cases, your code can perform any processing required.
Modify each cube as needed.
Click Save.
When you do so, the Cube Manager creates or updates the cube registry in this namespace. If the Task Manager does not yet include the necessary tasks, the Cube Manager creates them.