Alternative Mappings for the Globals
Alternative Mappings for the Globals
In some cases, you might want to separately map the DeepSee and related globals to separate databases. The following table lists the key globals:
Items | Globals | Comments |
Fact tables and their indices |
When you initially build the cube, you might disable journaling for the database that contains these globals. After that, enable journaling for the databases. |
Globals used to keep cube synchronized with the source table |
See the chapter “Keeping the Cubes Current.” |
Cube internals |
Cube Manager |
See “Using the Cube Manager” in “Keeping the Cubes Current.” |
Listing groups | ^DeepSee.ListingGroups | See “Defining Listing Groups” in Defining DeepSee Models. |
Result cache (for large data sets) |
You can disable journaling for the database that contains these globals. For information on the result cache, see “Cube Updates and the Result Cache,” later in this book. |
Items created in the Analyzer and in the Dashboard Designer |
See Using the DeepSee Analyzer and Creating DeepSee Dashboards. |
Term lists |
See the Advanced DeepSee Modeling Guide. |
Quality measures |
See the Advanced DeepSee Modeling Guide. |
Pivot variables |
See “Defining and Using Pivot Variables” in Using the DeepSee Analyzer. |
Other portal options |
For most of these, see the chapter “Configuring Settings.” |
Custom code |
See the chapter “Other Development Work.” |
Recent history and logs |
iKnow |
Internals used for processing |
This is not a comprehensive list; DeepSee uses additional globals with names that start ^DeepSee. Globals not listed here typically contain only small amounts of data or are typically defined only briefly.