Using Unstructured Data in Cubes (iKnow)
This chapter describes how to use unstructured data and the iKnow engine within DeepSee cubes. It discusses the following topics:
Also see the appendix “Generating Secondary Cubes for Use with iKnow.”
Overview of iKnow/Cube Integration
The iKnow semantic analysis engine analyzes unstructured data, data that is written as text in a human language such as English or French. This engine is built into Caché in the same way that DeepSee is. For a general introduction, see “Conceptual Overview,” in Using iKnow.
You can use unstructured data within DeepSee cubes, if the source table for a cube includes a property that contains unstructured data (for example, a string field that contains text). Then you can define pivot tables that use iKnow dimensions, and you can use these pivot tables on dashboards as usual.
For example, the source table for a cube might contain both structured and unstructured data. The Aviation demo, discussed later in this chapter, is such an example. For this demo, the source table consists of records of aviation events. For each aviation event, there is a set of short string fields that indicate the incident location, aircraft type, and so on. A longer text field contains the full report of the event.
(You can define also iKnow KPIs, which expose iKnow queries via the DeepSee KPI mechanism. See “iKnow KPIs and DeepSee Dashboards” in Using iKnow.)
iKnow Terminology
The iKnow engine analyzes unstructured text and identifies the entities in it, identifying the words that belong together and their roles in the sentence. An entity is a minimal logical unit of text — a word or a group of words. Example entities are clear skies and clear sky (note that these are distinct entities, because iKnow does not perform stemming). The iKnow language model identifies two kinds of entities:
A relation is a word or group of words that join two concepts by specifying a relationship between them. A relation is commonly but not always a verb.
A concept is a word or group of words that is associated by a relation. A concept is commonly but not always a noun or noun phrase.
The iKnow engine transforms each sentence into a logical sequence of concepts and relationships, thereby identifying the words that belong together (as entities) and their roles within the sentence. This is a much more structured form of data and serves the basis for iKnow and custom analysis, including relevance metrics, automated summarizing and categorization, and matching against existing taxonomies or ontologies.
For its core activities of identifying concepts and relationships (as well as measuring the relevance of these entities), iKnow does not require information about the topics discussed in the text. Therefore, iKnow is a true bottom-up technology that works well with any domain or topic, because it is based on an understanding of the language rather than of the topic.
However, if you have some knowledge about the topics discussed in the text, you can let iKnow find any matches for these known terms, called dictionary terms. Because iKnow understands the role and extent of entities, it can also judge whether an entity (or sequence of entities) encountered in the text is a good or a poor match with a known term and come up with a match score. For example, for the dictionary term runway, the entity runway (occurring in the text) is a full match, but runway asphalt is only a partial match and therefore gets a lower score.
Dictionary terms are grouped in dictionary items, which represent the unique things you wish to identify. For example runway and landing strip might be two terms for a generic dictionary item that covers any mentions of runways.
For a broader discussion of dictionaries, see “Smart Matching: Creating a Dictionary” and “Smart Matching: Using a Dictionary” in Using iKnow.
About iKnow Measures and Dimensions
Unlike other kinds of DeepSee measures, an iKnow measure is not shown in the Analyzer, and you do not directly use it in pivot tables. You define an iKnow measure for each property that you want the iKnow engine to process. Then you can use the measure as the basis of an iKnow dimension.
An iKnow dimension is like other DeepSee dimensions; it includes one or more levels, which contain members. Any member consists of a set of records in the source class of the cube.
There are two kinds of iKnow dimensions:
Entity dimensions. An entity dimension contains a single level. Each member of that level corresponds to an entity that the iKnow engine found in the unstructured data.
The members of this level are sorted in decreasing order by spread (number of records that include this entity). When you expand this level in the left area of the Analyzer, it displays the 100 most common entities. When you use this level as a filter, however, you can search to access any entity.
Dictionary dimensions. A dictionary dimension typically contains two levels as follows:
The upper level, the dictionary level, contains one member for each dictionary. That member consists of all records that match any item of the given dictionary.
For example, the weather conditions member consists of all records that match any item in the dictionary weather conditions. This includes items such as winter, rain, clouds sky, and so on.
The optional lower level, the item level, contains one member for each dictionary item. That member consists of all records that match any term of the given dictionary item.
For example, the winter member consists of each record that matches any of its terms, including snow, icy, and ice-covered.
Note that because the source text typically includes multiple entities, any given source record is likely to belong to multiple members of a level.
Generated iKnow Domains
When you use the iKnow features described in this chapter, the system creates one or more iKnow domains. Each cube level and each measure is available as a pseudo metadata field, which you can use in iKnow queries. For a level, the equal and not equal operator are supported. For a measure, all operators are supported. For iinformation on iKnow queries, see Using iKnow.
Also see “iKnow Domain Management in DeepSee,” later in this chapter.
Setting Up the Aviation Events Demo
The SAMPLES namespace provides the Aviation demo, which includes several cube definitions, example term lists, and a dashboard.
For this demo, the primary cube (Aviation Events) is based on the table Aviation.EventOpens in a new tab, which consists of records of aviation events. For each aviation event, there is a set of short string fields that indicate the incident location, aircraft type, and so on. A longer text field contains the full report of the event.
For reasons of space, this demo is not initialized when you install Caché. To set up the demo, enter the following command in the Terminal, in the SAMPLES namespace:
d ##class(Aviation.Utils).Setup()
Sample Dashboard
To see the sample dashboard:
In the Management Portal, access the SAMPLES namespace.
Select Home,DeepSee,User Portal and then select View.
The system then displays the User Portal, which lists any existing public dashboards and pivot tables in this namespace.
Select the Aviation event reports dashboard.
The Aviation event reports dashboard includes this pivot table:
This pivot table is defined as follows:
The measure is Count (count of events).
Except for the last row, each row represents an entity that was found by the iKnow engine and matched to an item in an iKnow dictionary.
The last row represents all records matched to items in iKnow dictionaries.
The columns display members of the Highest Injury level, which is a level in a standard data dimension that is based on a direct classification provided for the reports.
This means that the rows display groupings as determined by the unstructured data (found by the iKnow engine in the textual report), and the columns display groupings as determined by the structured data (the direct classifications). You can use a pivot table like this to find any discrepancies between the unstructured data and structured data.
Consider, for example, the None column, which provides information on reports that are officially classified with None as the highest injury level. Of this set, the cells in this column provide the following information:
The iKnow —> none cell indicates that in 377 reports, the iKnow engine found an entity that matches the none item of the Injuries dictionary. This is reasonable.
The iKnow —> minor cell indicates that in four reports, the iKnow engine found an entity that matches the minor item of the Injuries dictionary. That is, in four reports, the unstructured data suggests that there were minor injuries (despite the fact that these reports are classified with None as the highest injury level).
The value in this cell represents a discrepancy between the unstructured data and structured data. For this cell, it would be useful to investigate further and read the complete reports.
The iKnow —> serious and iKnow —> fatal cells are empty. These cells indicate that there are no records where the iKnow engine found injury entities named serious or fatal. This is reasonable.
If we display a detail listing for the cell iKnow —> minor in the column None and then view the reports (via the icon) for these incidents, we find that these reports were misclassified and there were minor injuries in all of them. For example, the first report includes the sentence “The private pilot reported minor injuries.”
Similarly, in the Minor column, the cells iKnow —> serious and iKnow —> fatal indicate other discrepancies. For the Serious column, the cell iKnow —> fatal indicates other discrepancies.
A Closer Look at the Aviation Cubes
For a closer look at these demo cubes, use the Architect and the Analyzer. The Aviation Events cube contains the following elements:
The Count measure, which is a count of event reports.
The InjuriesTotal measure, which is a sum of injuries.
The Report measure, which is an iKnow measure that uses the unstructured data. This measure is not listed in the Analyzer, because it is meant for use only by iKnow dimensions.
The Event Date, Location, Sky Condition, Mid-Air, and Injuries dimensions, which are standard dimensions that use the structured data.
The Entities dimension, which is an iKnow entity dimension.
The Dictionaries dimension, which is an iKnow dictionary dimension.
The Aircraft dimension, which is a relationship to the Aircraft cube.
The Aircraft cube provides dimensions that you can use to group records by attributes of the aircraft, such as its type and model. The Aircraft cube also includes a relationship to the Crew cube, which provides levels associated with the personnel on the aircraft.
Defining an iKnow Measure
To add an iKnow measure:
Select Add Element.
The system displays a dialog box.
For Enter New Item Name, type a measure name.
Select Measure.
Select OK.
Select the measure in the middle area of the Architect.
Specify the following options:
Property or Expression — Specifies a source value that contains unstructured data.
Or specify a value that contains the full path of a plain text file, where the file contains the text to be processed.
Type — Select iKnow.
iKnow Source — Specify the type of the source value. Select string, stream, or file. For example, if the selected source property is of type %Stream.GlobalCharacterOpens in a new tab, select stream. Or if the value is the path to a file, select file.
This option indicates, to the iKnow engine, how to process the values specified in Property or Expression.
The value domain is for advanced use; see “Alternative Technique: Using an Existing iKnow Domain.”
As an example, the Aviation cube is based on the Aviation.Event class. The iKnow measure Report is based on the NarrativeFull property of that class. For this measure, iKnow Source is string.
Note that the Aggregate option has no effect on iKnow measures.
Save the cube definition in the Architect.
If you plan to define one or more iKnow dictionary levels that use this measure, also specify the Dictionaries option as follows:
Select the button below Dictionaries.
The system displays a dialog box.
Select the appropriate dictionary in the Available Dictionaries list and then select > to move that dictionary to the Selected Dictionaries list.
If Available Dictionaries does not list the dictionaries that you need, see “Loading and Updating an iKnow Dictionary,” later in this chapter.
Repeat as needed.
Select OK.
Each dictionary is actually a term list. If you follow the steps described here, DeepSee automatically finds the given term lists, loads them as iKnow dictionaries, and performs matching. (If you do not add this attribute, you can instead invoke a method to perform these tasks.)
Note that iKnow measures are not stored in the fact table for the cube and are not displayed in the Analyzer. The primary purpose of an iKnow measure is to define an iKnow domain and to serve as the basis of an iKnow dimension. See the next sections.
Also note that you can override the default iKnow parameters for the measure. See “Specifying iKnow Domain Parameters for a Measure,” later in this chapter; this option is for advanced use.
Alternative Technique: Using an Existing iKnow Domain
If you have an existing iKnow domain, you can reuse that. Use the preceding instructions with the following changes:
Specify iKnow Source as domain.
When you specify the source expression or source property, make sure that it evaluates to the external ID of the iKnow source that corresponds to that record in the DeepSee fact table.
In Studio, add the iKnowDomain attribute to the measure definition. Its value should be the name of an existing iKnow domain.
Skip step 8. That is, do not specify the Dictionaries option.
In this case, the iKnow domain is managed by iKnow, rather than by DeepSee. At build time, DeepSee does not drop or load any iKnow records. Your custom code must ensure that all data represented and identified by the External ID property/expression at the fact level is properly loaded. At runtime (and only at runtime), DeepSee forwards any calls to iKnow and translates the results from iKnow. DeepSee will not perform any loading activities of its own — not when building the cube, nor when resynchronizing the cube. To load data, specify parameters, or otherwise manage this domain, use the iKnow APIs directly as described in Using iKnow.
Alternative Technique: Retrieving Unstructured Text from Elsewhere
In some scenarios, you may need to retrieve the unstructured text from a web page. For example, you might have a table of structured information, with a field that contains the URL where additional information (such as a news article) can be found. In such a case, the easiest way to use that text as an iKnow measure is as follows:
Write a utility method to retrieve the text from the URL.
Refer to that utility method in a source expression for the iKnow measure.
For an example, suppose that we are basing a cube on a class that has summary information about news articles. Each record in the class contains the name of the news agency, the date, the headline, and a property named Link, which contains the URL of the full news story. We want to create an iKnow measure that uses the news stories at those URLs.
To do this, we could define a method, GetArticleText(), in the cube class as follows:
ClassMethod GetArticleText(pLink As %String) As %String
set tSC = $$$OK, tStringValue = ""
try {
set tRawText = ..GetRawTextFromLink(pLink, .tSC)
set tStringValue = ..StripHTML(tRawText, .tSC)
} catch (ex) {
set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
if $$$ISERR(tSC) {
set tLogFile = "DeepSeeUpdateNEWSARCHIVE"
set tMsg = $system.Status.GetOneErrorText(tSC)
do ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%WriteToLog("UPDATE", tMsg, tLogFile)
quit tStringValue
The GetRawTextFromLink() method would retrieve the raw text, as follows:
ClassMethod GetRawTextFromLink(pLink As %String, Output pSC As %Status) As %String
set pSC = $$$OK, tRawText = ""
try {
// derive server and path from pLink
set pLink = $zstrip(pLink,"<>W")
set pLink = $e(pLink,$find(pLink,"://"),*)
set tFirstSlash = $find(pLink,"/")
set tServer = $e(pLink,1,tFirstSlash-2)
set tPath = $e(pLink,tFirstSlash-1,*)
// send the HTTP request for the article
set tRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set tRequest.Server = tServer
set tSC = tRequest.Get(tPath)
set len = 32000
while len>0 {
set tString = tRequest.HttpResponse.Data.Read(.len, .pSC)
set tRawText = tRawText _ tString
} catch (ex) {
set pSC = ex.AsStatus()
quit tRawText
The StripHTML() method would remove the HTML formatting, as follows:
ClassMethod StripHTML(pRawText As %String, Output pSC As %Status) As %String
set pSC = $$$OK, tCleanText = ""
try {
for tTag = "b","i","span","u","a","font","em","strong","img","label","small","sup","sub" {
set tReplaceTag(tTag) = " "
set tLowerText = $$$LOWER(pRawText)
set tStartPos = $find(tLowerText,"<body")-5, tEndTag = ""
set pRawText = $e(pRawText,tStartPos,*), tLowerText = $e(tLowerText,tStartPos,*)
for {
set tPos = $find(tLowerText,"<")
quit:'tPos // no tag start found
set tNextSpace = $f(tLowerText," ",tPos), tNextEnd = $f(tLowerText,">",tPos)
set tTag = $e(tLowerText,tPos,$s(tNextSpace&&(tNextSpace<tNextEnd):tNextSpace, 1:tNextEnd)-2)
if (tTag="script") || (tTag="style") {
set tPosEnd = $find(tLowerText,">",$find(tLowerText,"</"_tTag,tPos))
} else {
set tPosEnd = tNextEnd
if 'tPosEnd { //
set tEndTag = $e(pRawText,tPos-1,*)
set pRawText = $e(pRawText,1,tPos-2)
set tReplace = $s(tTag="":"", 1:$g(tReplaceTag(tTag),$c(13,10,13,10)))
set pRawText = $e(pRawText,1,tPos-2) _ tReplace _ $e(pRawText,tPosEnd,*)
set tLowerText = $e(tLowerText,1,tPos-2) _ tReplace _ $e(tLowerText,tPosEnd,*)
set tCleanText = $zstrip($zconvert(pRawText, "I", "HTML"),"<>=W")
} catch (ex) {
set pSC = ex.AsStatus()
quit tCleanText
Finally, we would create an iKnow measure and base it on the following source expression: %cube.GetArticleText(%source.Link).
Loading and Updating iKnow Dictionaries
This section describes how to load and update iKnow dictionaries for use with DeepSee.
Loading iKnow Dictionaries
To load an iKnow dictionary into Caché:
Access the Term List Manager, as described in the next chapter.
Define a new term list to contain the dictionary items and terms. For this term list:
Use a convenient name for the term list. The dictionary name is based on the term list name, with an added prefix.
Optionally add the custom fields URI and language; see the following step for details on how these fields would be used.
Every term list has the fields key and value, so your term list will have these fields as well.
For general information on creating term lists, see the next chapter, “Defining Term Lists.”
Add terms to the term list. For each term list item, specify values as follows:
key (required) is a unique term that could be found in the text.
value (required) is the corresponding dictionary item.
URI (optional) is a unique identifier for the dictionary item (the value column of the term list), which you can then use as a member key in MDX queries, if you need to refer to a specific dictionary item. This identifier must be unique for each combination of dictionary name and dictionary item.
If you omit this field, the system generates a URI of the following form:
Where dictionary_name is the name of the iKnow dictionary to define or update, and dictionary_item is the value in the value field.
language (optional) is a all-lowercase language tag (such as en or es).
The following shows an example (omitting the language field):
Save the term list.
Specify the Dictionaries option for each iKnow measure that should use this term list as an iKnow dictionary. See “Defining an iKnow Measure,” earlier in this chapter.
The Dictionaries option specifies the term lists to load as dictionaries for this iKnow measure. DeepSee automatically loads these term lists at cube build time.
Updating iKnow Dictionaries
If you create or change a term list that is used as a dictionary, you must update the dictionary. To do so, use the UpdateDictionary() method of %iKnow.DeepSee.CubeUtilsOpens in a new tab:
classmethod UpdateDictionary(pTermList As %String,
pCube As %String = "",
pMeasure As %String = "",
pClearFirst As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
pTermList is the name of term list.
pCube is the name of the cube. If you omit this argument, this method is invoked for all cubes in this namespace.
pMeasure is the name of iKnow measure. If you omit this argument, this method is invoked for all iKnow measures in the given cube (or all cubes, depending on pCube).
pClearFirst controls whether to drop the existing dictionary before reloading it from the term list. Leave pClearFirst as 0 if you only appended to the term list, or use 1 if you changed or removed any existing terms.
If pClearFirst is 0, this method can run significantly faster.
Note that when you build a cube, the system refreshes all dictionaries used by this cube by appending any new term lists. Deleted and renamed items are not affected. See “When iKnow Updates Occur,” later in this chapter.
Defining an iKnow Entity Dimension
To add an iKnow entity dimension:
Create an iKnow measure for this dimension to use, as described earlier in this chapter.
You can also do this after defining the dimension; if so, edit the dimension later so that it refers to this measure.
Select Add Element.
The system displays a dialog box.
For Enter New Item Name, type a dimension name.
Select iKnow Dimension and select OK.
Select the dimension in the middle area of the Architect.
Make the following changes to the dimension, if needed:
iKnow type — Select entity.
iKnow measure — Select the iKnow measure for this dimension to use.
Select the level in the middle area of the Architect and optionally modify Name and Display Name.
Optionally, to specify the members of this level manually, use Studio and define <member> elements within the level.
By default, the level consists of all entities, in decreasing order by spread. If you use <member> to specify the members manually, that specifies the members of this level and their order. Note that for an iKnow entity dimension, the number of members displayed in the Analyzer is fixed at 100.
See “Manually Specifying the Members for a Level,” in the chapter “Using Advanced Features of Cubes and Subject Areas.”
Note that it is not necessary to specify anything for Source Values, either for the dimension or for the level. For an iKnow dimension, the associated iKnow measure specifies the source values.
Defining an iKnow Dictionary Dimension
To add an iKnow dictionary dimension:
Load an iKnow dictionary into Caché. See “Loading iKnow Dictionaries,” earlier in this chapter.
You can also do this after defining the dimension.
Create an iKnow measure for this dimension to use.
You can also do this after defining the dimension; if so, edit the dimension later so that it refers to this measure.
Select Add Element.
The system displays a dialog box.
For Enter New Item Name, type a dimension name.
Select iKnow Dimension and select OK.
Select the dimension in the middle area of the Architect.
Make the following changes if needed:
iKnow type — Select dictionary.
iKnow measure — Select the iKnow measure for this dimension to use.
Optionally add another level to the same hierarchy in this dimension.
If the dimension has only one level, that level provides access to dictionary items. If the dimension has two levels, the lower level provides access to entities that match dictionary items.
Select each level in the middle area of the Architect and optionally modify Name and Display Name.
Save the cube definition in the Architect.
Open the cube class in Studio and find the definition of this dimension. For example, if the dimension has one level, it might look like this (this example shows added line breaks):
<dimension name="MyDictionaryDimension" disabled="false" ` hasAll="false" allCaption="MyDictionaryDimension" allDisplayName="MyDict" type="iKnow" iKnowType="dictionary" iKnowMeasure="Report" hidden="false" showHierarchies="default"> <hierarchy name="H1" disabled="false"> <level name="Dictionary" disabled="false" list="false" useDisplayValue="true"> </level> </hierarchy> </dimension>
Or, if the dimension has two levels:
<dimension name="MyDictionaryDimension" disabled="false" hasAll="false" allCaption="MyDictionaryDimension" allDisplayName="MyDict" type="iKnow" iKnowType="dictionary" iKnowMeasure="Report" hidden="false" showHierarchies="default"> <hierarchy name="H1" disabled="false"> <level name="Dictionary" disabled="false" list="false" useDisplayValue="true"> </level> <level name="Items" disabled="false" list="false" useDisplayValue="true"> </level> </hierarchy> </dimension>
In the dictionary level, optionally specify the iKnow dictionary or dictionaries for this level to use. If there are two levels, the dictionary level is the higher of the two levels. If there is one level, that level is the dictionary level.
If you do not specify any iKnow dictionaries, all dictionaries are used.
For each iKnow dictionary to use, add the following between the <level> element and the </level>:
<member name="dictionary name" />
Where dictionary name is the name of an iKnow dictionary.
For example, with a single iKnow dictionary:
<dimension name="MyDictionaryDimension" disabled="false" hasAll="false" allCaption="MyDictionaryDimension" allDisplayName="MyDict" type="iKnow" iKnowType="dictionary" iKnowMeasure="Report" hidden="false" showHierarchies="default"> <hierarchy name="H1" disabled="false"> <level name="Dictionary" disabled="false" list="false" useDisplayValue="true"> <member name="my dictionary" /> </level> <level name="Items" disabled="false" list="false" useDisplayValue="true"> </level> </hierarchy> </dimension>
Save the cube definition in Studio.
Note that it is not necessary to specify anything for Source Values, either for the dimension or for the level. For an iKnow dimension, the associated iKnow measure specifies the source values.
Adding Member Overrides to an Item Level
Within a two-level dictionary dimension, by default, the dictionary level determines the members of the lower item level. In the item level, you can add <member> elements that override the definitions determined by the parent.
This is useful, for example, if you want to see only a subset of the dictionary.
If you create these overrides, each <member> element should have the following form:
<member name="itemURI" displayName="displayName" />
Where itemURI is the unique URI of a dictionary item, and displayName is the display name for the dictionary item. See “Loading iKnow Dictionaries,” earlier in this chapter.
List the <member> elements in the desired sort order. For example:
<level name="ReportDictInjuriesDimItem" displayName="Injuries" >
<member name=":injuries:none" displayName="not injured" />
<member name=":injuries:minor" displayName="minor injuries" />
<member name=":injuries:serious" displayName="serious injuries" />
<member name=":injuries:fatal" displayName="killed" />
These overrides work as follows:
If at least one <member> element can be matched to the given dictionary item, this level contains only the members listed by these <member> elements.
If none of the <member> elements can be matched to dictionary items, these overrides are all ignored.
Adding Measures That Use iKnow Plugins
A plugin is essentially a query, and DeepSee provides plugins that perform specialized iKnow queries. You can use these plugins to add calculated measures that provide information on entity occurrences and on matching results. The following sections give the details.
Adding Measures to Quantify Entity Occurrences
You can easily add measures that provide information on entity occurrences (indicate the total number, average number per record, and so on). For an example, see the calculated measure Distinct Entity Count in the Aviation Events cube.
To add your own measures, follow the steps in “Defining a Calculated Measure,” in Defining DeepSee Models. For Expression, use the following expression:
This expression returns the total number of distinct entities, in any given context.
Instead of "total", you can use any of the following:
"sum" — In this case, the expression returns the total number of entities (as opposed to distinct entities), in the given context. That is, entities might be counted more than once.
"average" — In this case, the expression returns the average number of entities per record, in the given context.
"max" — In this case, the expression returns the maximum number of entities in any given record, in the given context.
"min" — In this case, the expression returns the minimum number of entities in any given record, in the given context.
This expression uses the %KPI MDX function and the iKnow plugin class %DeepSee.PlugIn.iKnowOpens in a new tab. For details on the function, see the DeepSee MDX Reference. For details on the class, see the class reference.
If you omit the "%CONTEXT", then in all cases, your calculated measures ignore any context and return results for your entire data set.
Adding Measures to Quantify Matching Results
You can easily add measures that provide information on dictionary matching results (indicate the total number, average matching score per record, and so on). For examples, see the calculated measures Dictionary Match Count and Total Dictionary Score in the Aviation Events cube.
To add your own measures, follow the steps in “Defining a Calculated Measure,” in Defining DeepSee Models. For Expression, use one of the following expressions:
To get counts of matching results (results that match dictionary items):
This expression returns the total number of matching results, in any given context.
Instead of "sum", you can use the alternative aggregation types listed in the previous section.
To get scores for matching results:
This expression returns the total score for matching results, in any given context.
Instead of "sum", you can use the alternative aggregation types listed in the previous section.
These expressions use the %KPI MDX function and the iKnow plugin class %DeepSee.PlugIn.iKnowDictionaryOpens in a new tab. For details on the function, see the DeepSee MDX Reference. For details on the class, see the class reference.
If you omit the "%CONTEXT", then in all cases, your calculated measures ignore any context and return results for your entire data set.
Including iKnow Results in Listings
You can include iKnow results in listings as follows:
You can add a link from the listing to the complete unstructured text
You can define a specialized listing for use in the iKnow Content Analysis plugin
Including an iKnow Summary Field in a Listing
It can be useful for your listings to include a summary of the unstructured text. To include such a summary, use the $$$IKSUMMARY token within the listing field definition. This token takes two arguments (in square brackets):
$$$IKSUMMARY[iKnowMeasure,summarylength] As Report
Where iKnowMeasure is the name of the iKnow measure to summarize and summary_length is the number of sentences to include in the summary (the default is five). You can omit iKnowMeasure if there is only one iKnow measure in the cube.
The As clause specifies the title of the column; in this case, the title is Report.
The $$$IKSUMMARY token returns the most relevant sentences of the source, concatenated into a string that is no longer than 32000 characters.
For example:
<listing name="Default" disabled="false" listingType="table"
fieldList="%ID,EventId,Year,AirportName,$$$IKSUMMARY[Report] As Report">
Internally $$$IKSUMMARY uses the GetSummary() method of %iKnow.Queries.SourceAPIOpens in a new tab.
You can also use the $$$IKSUMMARY token to refer to an iKnow measure in a related cube, if there is a many-to-one relationship between the listing cube and the related cube. In this case, use relationshipname.iKnowMeasure instead of iKnowMeasure as the first argument to $$$IKSUMMARY. For example, suppose that the Observations cube has a relationship called Patient, which points to the Patients cube. Also suppose that the Patients cube has an iKnow measure named History. Within the Observations cube, you can define a listing that includes $$$IKSUMMARY[Patient.History].
You can refer to a relationship of a relationship in the same way. For example: $$$IKSUMMARY[Relationship.Relationship.Measure].
Including a Link from a Listing to the Full Unstructured Text
Your listings can also include a link to a page that displays the full unstructured text. To include such a link, use the $$$IKLINK token within the listing field definition. This token takes one argument (in square brackets):
Where iKnowMeasure is the name of the iKnow measure to display. You can omit iKnowMeasure if there is only one iKnow measure in the cube.
You can also use the $$$IKLINK token to refer to an iKnow measure in a related cube, if there is a many-to-one relationship between the listing cube and the related cube. In this case, use relationshipname.iKnowMeasure instead of iKnowMeasure as the first argument to $$$IKLINK. You can refer to a relationship of a relationship in the same way. For example: $$$IKLINK[Relationship.Relationship.Measure].
See the examples in the previous subsection.
Creating a Specialized Listing for Use in iKnow Content Analysis Plugin
The Analyzer provides advanced analysis options, which include the iKnow Content Analysis plugin. This option uses a detail listing to display the five most typical and five least typical records. By default, the plugin uses the default listing of the cube.
You might want to create a listing specifically for use here, for reasons of space. If you define a listing named ShortListing, the plugin uses that listing instead.
In either case, the plugin adds a Score column to the right of the columns defined in the listing.
For details on this analysis option, see “iKnow Content Analysis” in the DeepSee End User Guide.
iKnow Domain Management in DeepSee
When you use the iKnow features described in this chapter, the system creates one or more iKnow domains. These iKnow domains are managed by DeepSee (unlike iKnow domains that you create directly as described in Using iKnow). To modify them, you should use only the APIs described in this chapter.
DeepSee manages these domains in a way that requires little or no intervention. If you are familiar with iKnow domains, however, you might be interested in the details.
The system creates one iKnow domain for each iKnow measure that you add to a cube. The name of the domain is DeepSee@cubename@measurename where cubename is the logical name of the cube and measurename is the logical name of the iKnow measure.
DeepSee manages these domains as follows:
When you compile the cube for the first time, the system creates the needed domains.
When you build the cube, DeepSee invokes the iKnow engine automatically. The iKnow engine processes the text in the iKnow measures and stores the results.
When you compile the cube again, the system checks to see if the needed domains exist. If so, it reuses them. If not, it creates them.
When it checks whether a given domain can be reused, the system considers the source value or source expression of each iKnow measure (rather than considering the logical name of the iKnow measure). Therefore, when you rename an iKnow measure, the system reuses the existing iKnow domain.
When you remove an iKnow measure and recompile the cube, the system deletes the corresponding iKnow domain and all associated iKnow engine results.
When you delete the cube, the system deletes the iKnow domains and removes all associated iKnow engine results.
Advanced Topics
This section discusses the following advanced topics:
Specifying iKnow Domain Parameters for a Measure
In rare cases, you might want to override the default iKnow domain parameters used for a given iKnow measure. To do so, edit the cube class in Studio and add the following to the definition of the applicable iKnow measure:
For parameter, use the parameter name or the macro that represents the parameter. Use two colons between a parameter and its value. Use a semicolon to separate each name/value pair from the next pair in the list.
The following example overrides the default values for the DefaultConfig and MAT:SkipRelations parameters:
For details on iKnow domain parameters, see “Setting Up an iKnow Environment” in Using iKnow.
Loading iKnow Black Lists
A black list is a list of entities that you do not want a query to return. To load iKnow black lists for use with DeepSee:
Create a term list that consists of the black list items. For information on creating term lists, see “Defining Term Lists” in the DeepSee Implementation Guide.
Edit an iKnow measure to use this black list. To do this, edit the measure in Studio and specify the iKnowParameters attribute. This attribute contains one or more name/value pairs, where the names are iKnow domain parameters and the values are the corresponding values. For general information on specifying iKnowParameters, see “Specifying iKnow Domain Parameters for a Measure,” earlier in this chapter.
In this case, the iKnow domain parameter is $$$IKPDSBLACKLIST and its value is the term list name.
Either rebuild the cube or manually load the term list as a black list.
To manually load the term list as a black list, use the following class method of %iKnow.DeepSee.CubeUtilsOpens in a new tab:
classmethod LoadTermListAsBlackList(pCube As %String, pMeasure As %String, pTermList As %String) as %Status
pCube is the name of the cube that uses this iKnow measure.
pMeasure is the name of iKnow measure that uses this black list.
pTermList is the name of term list.
The system uses this black list for the following purposes:
To filter entities returned by the entity dimension, in the Analyzer or directly through MDX.
To exclude entities from the derivation of top groups as shown in the Entity Analysis screen (described in the chapter “Using the Pivot Analysis Window” of the DeepSee End User Guide). Blacklisted entries (or their standardized form) will not be a group by themselves, but still contribute to the scores of other groups. For example, if pilot is blacklisted, helicopter pilot still contributes to the group helicopter.
To filter entities shown in the Entities detail tab in the Entity Analysis screen.
The black list does not affect the assisted text entry for the Analyze String option in the Entity Analysis screen.
Updating iKnow Black Lists
To update an iKnow black list, edit the corresponding term list and then either rebuild the cube or manually load the term list as a black list as described in the previous subsection.
When iKnow Updates Occur
The following table summarizes when iKnow updates dictionaries, blacklists, and matching results:
Action | Automatic iKnow Updates |
Compiling a cube | None |
Building a cube |
Synchronizing a cube |
Updating a term list via the API or the Management Portal | None |
Updating a term list via the UpdateDictionary() method of %iKnow.DeepSee.CubeUtilsOpens in a new tab |