Examines a set, removes duplicate elements, and returns a set of the remaining elements.
Returned Type
This function returns a set.
Syntax and Details
set_expression is an expression that evaluates to a set.
For example, suppose that the query must return a specific city as reference, which is needed for comparison to the other cities. Consider the following query, which displays a reference city, followed by a set of cities with a given patient count:
WITH SET refcity AS '{homed.juniper}'
{refcity,FILTER(homed.city.MEMBERS,MEASURES.[%COUNT]>1100)} ON 1 FROM patients
Patient Count
1 Juniper 1,197
2 Cedar Falls 1,188
3 Centerville 1,155
4 Cypress 1,221
5 Elm Heights 1,266
6 Juniper 1,197
7 Magnolia 1,156
8 Pine 1,139
9 Redwood 1,144
10 Spruce 1,135
Compare to the following query, which removes the duplicate city:
WITH SET refcity AS '{homed.juniper}' SELECT MEASURES.[%COUNT] ON 0,
DISTINCT({refcity,FILTER(homed.city.MEMBERS,MEASURES.[%COUNT]>1100)}) ON 1 FROM patients
Patient Count
1 Juniper 1,197
2 Cedar Falls 1,188
3 Centerville 1,155
4 Cypress 1,221
5 Elm Heights 1,266
6 Magnolia 1,156
7 Pine 1,139
8 Redwood 1,144
9 Spruce 1,135