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Settings for ASTM Business Services

Provides reference information for settings for ASTM business services.


ASTM business services provide the following settings:

Group Settings See
Basic Settings Target Config Names, Doc Schema Category Settings for Business Services” in Ensemble Virtual Documents
Additional Settings Search Table Class Settings for Business Services” in Ensemble Virtual Documents
Reply Target Config Names, Response Timeout, Out Separators, Local Application ID, Reply Mode, Get Reply sections in this topic

The remaining settings are either common to all business services or are determined by the type of adapter. For information, see:

Get Reply

(TCP Only) Typically the external ASTM system provides an ACK reply to the ASTM TCP service and operation. If the external ASTM system does not provide an ACK reply, clear the Get Reply check box on the ASTM TCP business service. The ASTM TCP business operation uses the setting of its Partner Service business service.

The default value is true.

Local Application ID

Colon-separated LocalID:Qualifier code that represents the facility and application that receive ASTM documents via this business service. These are used to create reply document headers. The @ (at sign) character represents using the corresponding field from the incoming document. If your ID must contain a literal @ symbol, escape it with backslash: \@

The default value is:


Out Separators

(TCP only) When configuring an ASTM business service, you have the option of specifying Out Separators for outgoing ASTM documents. The fact that an ASTM business service can initiate communication from within Ensemble is an architectural variation that is necessary to support ASTM communication conventions.

For details, see “Separator” in “ Settings for ASTM Business Operations.” That section discusses a similar setting called Separators.

If you do not specify a value for Out Separators, the business service uses a default that consists of the four-character string Flex. Ensemble does not use the Flex characters as separators but interprets this value as follows:

  • If the outgoing document is a reply to a previously received inbound document, copy the separators from the inbound document.

  • If the outgoing document initiates communication from within Ensemble, use the native separators of the outbound message (do not change separators to transmit the message).

Reply Mode

An ASTM routing interface is a two-way interface; the business service can send outbound documents on it using its partnered business operation. However if your target configuration item wishes to return an immediate response, you can enable this by configuring a Reply Mode value of Application. Specify one of the following values:

  • Never — Do not send back any reply. This is the default.

  • Application — Wait for a response from the target configuration item and relay the response back when it arrives.

Reply Target Config Names

(File only) Allows you to specify a comma-separated list of configuration items within the production to which the business service should relay any ASTM reply documents that it receives. Usually the list contains one item, but it can be longer. The list can include business processes or business operations, or a combination of both.

Compare to Target Config Names.

Response Timeout

(TCP only) Number of seconds to wait for a response to begin arriving back from the remote system after sending a request. Setting the timeout to -1 means wait forever.

If the response does not arrive in the Response Timeout value for the request, the ASTM adapter generates and logs an <Ens>ErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired error, then returns to listening for new inbound messages and waiting for new outbound messages.

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