Older Releases
The following sections outline the older Ensemble releases:
Note that for these older releases, there were no compatibility issues specific to Ensemble; therefore, you need only review upgrade checklists in the Caché documentation; see Caché Release Note and Upgrade Checklist Archive.
Ensemble 2007.1
Ensemble 2007.1 introduced the following new features:
Underlying Caché 2007.1 Technologies
BPL Exception and Compensation Handling
X12 Support
Adapter SSL/TLS Support
Ensemble 2007.1 provided enhancements to the following features:
BPL Syntax Additions
BPL Connect Elements
DTL Syntax Additions
DTL Visual Editor
Studio Assist in BPL and DTL
Utility Functions
Time Stamp Specifiers
Link to System Management Portal
Alerts in the Configuration Diagram
Message Filter and Search
Message Browser Indices
Message Resend
HL7 Routing Productions
HL7 Routing Rules
HL7 Search Tables
HL7 Batch Support
HL7 Virtual Properties in Routing Rules
HL7 Content in Error Messages
HL7 Pages Removed
Maintenance Purge Page
Trace Messages in the Event Log
Ensemble 4.0
Ensemble 4.0 introduced the following new features:
Underlying Caché 5.2 Technologies
Ensemble 4.0 provided enhancements to the following features:
Default Login
Command Line
Management Portals
BPL Syntax
BPL Visual Editor
BPL Components
Utility Functions
DTL Visual Editor
Ensemble 3.1
Ensemble 3.1 introduced the following new features:
HL7 Support
Ensemble 3.1 provided the following major enhancements:
Message Contents
How Data is Purged
Business Process Context
Business Process Actor Pools
Business Hosts
Ensemble Management Portal
Configuration Page
Business Rules
Java Gateway
DTL Visual Editor
DTL Syntax
BPL Visual Editor
BPL Syntax
Ensemble 3.0
Ensemble 3.0, released in November 2004, was the first public release of Ensemble.
Ensemble 3.0 introduced the following new features:
Business Activity Monitoring
Workflow Management
Business Rules
Java Gateway
Ensemble 3.0 enhanced the following existing features:
Business Hosts
Business Process Language
BPL Visual Editor
Management Portal
Ensemble 2.1
Ensemble 2.1 enhanced the following existing features:
Business Process Language
BPL Visual Editor
Management Portal
Adapter Library
Ensemble 2.0
Ensemble 2.0 enhanced existing features and introduced the following new features:
Universal Services Architecture
Business Hosts
Messaging Engine
Adapter Library
Business Process Language
Data Transformation Language
Management Portal
Message Visual Trace
Code Generation Wizards
BPL Visual Editor
DTL Visual Editor
Event Log
Monitoring Service
Testing Service
Sample Code
Ensemble 1.0
Ensemble 1.0 introduced the following features:
Application Integration
Data Integration
Data Abstraction
Persistence Engine
Storage Engine
SQL Gateway