REST Overview
Ensemble provides the capabilities to implement a REST service that can be invoked from a REST call and to implement a REST operation that is a client that can call an external REST service.
REST, which is named from “Representational State Transfer,” has the following attributes:
REST is an architectural style rather than a clearly defined format. Although REST is frequently implemented using HTTP for transporting messages and JSON for passing data, you can also pass data as XML or plain text. REST makes use of existing web standards such as HTTP, URL, XML, and JSON.
REST is resource oriented. Typically a resource is identified by a URL and uses operations based explicitly on HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
REST typically has a small overhead. Although it can use XML to describe data, it typically uses JSON which is a light-weight data wrapper. JSON identifies data with tags but the tags are not specified in a formal schema definition and do not have explicit data types.