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Why Migrate to InterSystems IRIS?

After being InterSystems’ flagship database platform for many years, InterSystems Caché® is now a mature product and is no longer subject to new development, except for maintenance releases. Customers who are using Caché, InterSystems Ensemble®, or HealthShare® Health Connect/HSAP (based on the Caché/Ensemble platform) should consider migrating to InterSystems IRIS® data platform, InterSystems IRIS® for Health, or Health Connect based on the InterSystems IRIS platform.

Features and Benefits

For more information on the benefits of migrating to InterSystems IRIS, see Migrate to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab. From there, you can read about the features and benefits of InterSystems IRIS in detail, find out about time-limited migration pricing, and send a quick message to your account team to get the ball rolling.

Migration Documentation

InterSystems provides comprehensive documentation to help you make the move to the InterSystems IRIS platform. Just log in to the Worldwide Response Center document distribution pageOpens in a new tab and download the following documents, which detail the particulars on migrating to InterSystems IRIS:

  • InterSystems IRIS Migration Guide—Provides everything you need to know to get your application ready for InterSystems IRIS

  • How to Migrate to InterSystems IRIS—Provides step-by-step instructions for migrating an existing instance to InterSystems IRIS

If you are a HealthShare® customer looking to migrate to the InterSystems IRIS-based version of the product, see Migrating Custom Code to IRIS-based HealthShareOpens in a new tab.

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