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Management Portal Login Page

Management Portal Login Page

Whether or not you must enter a username and password to use the portal depends on the authentication settings of the Management Portal web application (/csp/sys). There are two conditions:

Unauthenticated Access Only

Neither requires nor accepts a username and password — If the portal accepts only unauthenticated connections (the default setting for Minimal security installs), you do not require a username and password to access the portal; you bypass the Login page when you use the methods in the previous section to start the portal. If navigation does bring you to the login page (by clicking Logout, for example), you see the following message:

You are logged out.
Please click here to login.
Authenticated Access

Requires a username and password — If your security settings require authentication for the Management Portal web application and you are not already authenticated on the system, the login page displays asking you to enter a User Name and Password. After entering these fields, click Login to display the Management Portal home page.


To change your password, click your name in the Management Portal Title Bar, which displays the change password dialog box.


You can look up the Authentication allowed settings on the Web Applications page (System Administration > Security > Applications > Web Applications) by clicking Edit in the /csp/sys application row.

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