Fine-Tuning a Caché Web Service
This chapter discusses various ways to fine-tune a Caché web service. It discusses the following:
How to control the namespace of the schema and types used by a web service
How to include the class documentation for the types as annotations within the WSDL
How to control the form of null string arguments in messages sent by a web service
How to override the SOAP action and SOAP request message name
How to control whether the SOAP message parts use elements or types
How to control the use of the xsi:type attribute in the SOAP messages
How to control the prefix used for the SOAP message envelope
How to add a UTF-8 BOM to the start of each message sent by a web service
How to force the use of process-private globals to support very large messages
How to use custom transport to communicate with a web service
For more basic information, see the section “Basic Settings of the Web Service” in the chapter “Basics of Creating Web Services.”
Also see the information about the ALLOWREDUNDANTARRAYNAME web service class parameter in “Projection of Collection Properties to XML Schemas” in the chapter “Controlling the Projection to XML Schemas” in Projecting Objects to XML.
Disabling Access to the Online WSDL
By default, it is possible to view the WSDL for a Caché web service via a URL of the following form:
Here base is the base URL for your web server (including port if necessary), /csp/app is the name of the web application in which the web service resides, and web_serv is the class name of the web service.
To disable the ability to access the WSDL in this way, specify the SOAPDISABLEWSDL parameter of the web service as 1. Note that even with SOAPDISABLEWSDL equal to 1, it is possible to use the FileWSDL() method to generate the WSDL as a static file.
Requiring a Username and Password
To configure a Caché web service to require a password, you configure its parent web application to use password authentication, and to disallow unauthenticated access. For information, see the chapter “CSP Architecture” in Using Caché Server Pages (CSP).
Controlling the XML Types
The WSDL defines the XML types for the arguments and return values of all methods of the web service. For a Caché web service, the types are determined as follows:
If the Caché type corresponds to a simple type (such as %StringOpens in a new tab), an appropriate corresponding XML type is used.
If the Caché type corresponds to an XML-enabled class, the XMLTYPE parameter of that class specifies the name of the XML type. If that parameter is not specified, the class name (without the package) is used as the XML type name.
Also, the WSDL defines this type, by using the information in the corresponding class definition.
If the Caché type corresponds to some other class, the class name (without the package) is used as the XML type name. Also, the WSDL does not define this type.
For further details, see the book Projecting Objects to XML.
Also see the section “WSDL Support in Caché” in the first chapter.
Controlling the Namespaces of the Schema and Types
This section describes how to control the namespace for the schema of the WSDL, as well as the namespaces for any types defined within it.
Controlling the Namespace of the Schema
The TYPENAMESPACE parameter (of your web service) controls the target namespace for the schema of your web service.
If TYPENAMESPACE is null, the schema is in the namespace given by the NAMESPACE parameter of the web service. The WSDL might look as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<s:schema elementFormDefault='qualified'
targetNamespace = ''>
If you set TYPENAMESPACE to a URI, that URI is used as the namespace for the types. In this case, the WSDL might look as follows:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<s:schema elementFormDefault='qualified'
targetNamespace = ''>
Controlling the Namespace of the Types
For any types referenced within the schema, the following rules govern how they are assigned to namespaces:
If the USECLASSNAMESPACES parameter of the web service is 0 (the default), then the types are in the same namespace as the schema; see the previous section.
If the USECLASSNAMESPACES parameter of the web service is 1 (and if the web service uses the document binding style), then each type is in the namespace given by the NAMESPACE parameter of the corresponding type class.
For a given type, if the NAMESPACE parameter is null for the type class, then the type is in the same namespace as the schema; see the previous section.
For information on binding styles, see “Specifying the Binding Style for the SOAP Messages,” earlier in this book.
Including Documentation for the Types
By default, the WSDL for a web service does not include documentation for the types used by the web service.
To include the class documentation for the types within <annotation> elements in the schema of the WSDL, specify the INCLUDEDOCUMENTATION parameter of the web service as 1.
This parameter does not cause the WSDL to include comments for the web service and its web methods; there is no option to automatically include these comments in the WSDL.
Adding Namespace Declarations to the SOAP Envelope
To add a namespace declaration to the SOAP envelope (<SOAP-ENV:Envelope> element) of a SOAP message sent by a given web service, modify each web method of that web service so that it invokes the %AddEnvelopeNamespace() method of the web service. This method has the following signature:
Method %AddEnvelopeNamespace(namespace As %String,
prefix As %String,
schemaLocation As %String,
allowMultiplePrefixes As %Boolean) As %Status
namespace is the namespace to add.
prefix is the optional prefix to use for this namespace. If you omit this argument, a prefix is generated.
schemaLocation is the optional schema location for this namespace.
allowMultiplePrefixes controls whether a given namespace can be declared multiple times with different prefixes. If this argument is 1, then a given namespace can be declared multiple times with different prefixes. If this argument is 0, then if you add multiple declarations for the same namespace with different prefixes, only the last supplied prefix is used.
Checking for Required Elements and Attributes
By default, a Caché web service does not check for the existence of elements and attributes that correspond to properties that are marked as Required. To cause a web service to check for the existence of such elements and attributes, set the SOAPCHECKREQUIRED parameter of the web service to 1. The default value for this parameter is 0, for compatibility reasons.
Controlling the Form of Null String Arguments
Normally, if an argument is omitted, a Caché web service omits the corresponding element in the SOAP message that it sends. To change this, set the XMLIGNORENULL parameter to 1 in the web service class; in this case, the SOAP message includes an empty element.
Controlling the Message Name of the SOAP Response
You can control the message name used in the response received from a web method. By default, this message name is the name of the web method with Response appended to the end. The following example shows a response from a web method called Divide; the response message name is DivideResponse.
<DivideResponse xmlns="">
To specify a different response message name, set the SoapMessageName keyword within the web method definition.
Note that you cannot change the name of the SOAP message that invokes a given web method; this name of this message is the name of the method. You can, however, override the SOAP action as given in the HTTP request; see the later section “Overriding the Default HTTP SOAP Action.”
Overriding the HTTP SOAP Action and Request Message Name
When you invoke a web method via HTTP, the HTTP headers must include the SOAP action, which is a URI that indicates the intent of the SOAP HTTP request. For SOAP 1.1, the SOAP action is included as the SOAPAction HTTP header. For SOAP 1.2, it is included within the Content-Type HTTP header.
The SOAP action indicates the intent of the SOAP HTTP request. The value is a URI identifying the intent; it is generally used to route the inbound SOAP message. For example, a firewall could use this header to appropriately filter SOAP request messages in HTTP.
For a web method created in Caché, the SOAPAction HTTP header has the following form by default (for SOAP 1.1):
SOAPAction: NAMESPACE/Package.Class.Method
Where NAMESPACE is the value of the NAMESPACE parameter for the web service, and Package.Class.Method is the name of the method that you are using as a web method. For example:
To override this, specify a value for the SoapAction method keyword, within the definition of the web method. Specify a quoted string that indicates that identifies the intent of the SOAP request. In the typical scenario, each web method in the web service specifies a unique value (if any) for SoapAction.
If SoapAction is not unique within this web service, each method must have a unique value of the SoapRequestMessage method keyword. This keyword specifies the name of the top element in the SOAP body of the request message. Note that SoapRequestMessage has an effect only for wrapped document/literal messages.
Specifying Whether Elements Are Qualified
The ELEMENTQUALIFIED parameter (of your web service) controls the value of the elementFormDefault attribute in the schema of the WSDL. Specifically:
If ELEMENTQUALIFIED is 1, then elementFormDefault is "qualified".
If ELEMENTQUALIFIED is 0, then elementFormDefault is "unqualified".
The default value for this parameter depends on the value of the SoapBodyUse class keyword. See the Caché Class Definition Reference. Normally SoapBodyUse is "literal", which means that ELEMENTQUALIFIED is 1.
For information on the differences between qualified and unqualified elements, as well as examples, see the book Projecting Objects to XML.
Controlling Whether Message Parts Use Elements or Types
Your web service has another parameter (XMLELEMENT) that controls the precise form of the message parts of the SOAP messages. Specifically:
If XMLELEMENT is 1, then the <part> element has attributes called name and element. In this case, the WSDL contains a sample <message> element as follows:
<message name="GetPersonSoapOut"> <part name="GetPersonResult" element="s0:Person" /> </message>
If XMLELEMENT is 0, then the <part> element has attributes called name and type. In this case, the WSDL contains a sample <message> element as follows:
<message name="GetPersonSoapOut"> <part name="GetPersonResult" type="s0:Person" /> </message>
The default value for this parameter depends on the value of the SoapBodyUse class keyword. See the Caché Class Definition Reference. Normally SoapBodyUse is "literal", which means that XMLELEMENT is 1.
Controlling Use of the xsi:type Attribute
By default, Caché SOAP messages include the xsi:type attribute only for the top-level types. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<GetPersonResult href="#id1" />
<types:Person id="id1" xsi:type="types:Person">
<Name>Yeats,Clint C.</Name>
In these examples, line breaks have been added for readability. To use this attribute for all types in the SOAP messages, set the OUTPUTTYPEATTRIBUTE parameter or the OutputTypeAttribute property to 1. The same output would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<GetPersonResult href="#id1" />
<types:Person id="id1" xsi:type="types:Person">
<Name xsi:type="s:string">Yeats,Clint C.</Name>
<DOB xsi:type="s:date">1944-12-04</DOB>
This parameter has no effect on the WSDL of the web service.
Controlling Use of Inline References in Encoded Format
With encoded format, any object-valued property is included as a reference, and the referenced object is written as a separate element in the SOAP message.
To instead write the encoded objects inline, specify the REFERENCESINLINE parameter or the ReferencesInline property as 1.
The property takes precedence over the parameter.
Specifying the SOAP Envelope Prefix
By default, a Caché web service uses the prefix SOAP-ENV in the envelope of the SOAP messages it sends. You can specify a different prefix. To do so, set the SOAPPREFIX parameter of the web service. For example, if you set this parameter equal to MYENV, the web service includes this prefix in its messages, as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<MYENV:Envelope xmlns:MYENV=''
<DivideResponse xmlns="">
The SOAPPREFIX parameter also affects the prefix used in any SOAP faults generated by the web service.
This parameter has no effect on the WSDL of the web service.
Restricting the SOAP Versions Handled by a Web Service
By default, a Caché web service can handle SOAP requests that use SOAP version 1.1 or 1.2. To modify the web service so that it can handle only SOAP requests for a specific SOAP version, set the REQUESTVERSION parameter. This parameter can equal "1.1", "1.2", or "". If this parameter is "", the web service has the default behavior.
Note that the SOAPVERSION parameter does not affect the versions supported by the web service; it only controls which versions are advertised in the WSDL.
Sending Responses Compressed by gzip
A Caché web service can compress its response messages with gzip, a free compression program that is widely available on the Internet. This compression occurs after any other message packaging (such as creating MTOM packages). To cause a web service to do so, set the GZIPOUTPUT parameter equal to 1.
This parameter has no effect on the WSDL of the web service.
If you make this change, be sure that the web client can automatically decompress the message with gunzip, the corresponding decompression program.
If the web client is a Caché web client, note that the CSP Gateway automatically decompresses inbound messages before sending them to the web client.
Defining a One-Way Web Method
Normally, when you execute a web method, a SOAP message is returned, even if the method has no return type and returns nothing when executed in Caché. This SOAP response message has the following general form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<MethodNameResponse xmlns=""></MethodNameResponse>
In rare cases, you might need to define a web method as being “one-way.” Such a method must return no value, and no SOAP response is expected to the request message. To define a one-way web method, define the return type of the method as %SOAP.OneWayOpens in a new tab. In this case:
The WSDL does not define output defined for this web method.
The web service does not return a SOAP message (unless the service adds a header element; see the subsection). That is, the HTTP response message does not include any XML content.
One-way methods should normally not be used. A request-response pair is much more common, supported, and expected — even for a method that has no return type.
See “WSDL Differences for One-Way Web Methods” in the appendix “Details of the Generated WSDLs.”
One-Way Web Methods and SOAP Headers
If the web method adds a header element, then the HTTP response does include XML content as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' ...
header elements as set by the web service
Dynamically Making a Web Method One Way
You can also dynamically redefine a web method to be one way. To do so, invoke the ReturnOneWay() of the web service within the definition of the web method. For example:
Method HelloWorldDynamic(oneway as %Boolean = 0) As %String [ WebMethod ]
If oneway {Do ..ReturnOneWay() }
Quit "Hello world "
If the argument is 0, this web method returns a SOAP response whose body contains Hello world. If the argument is 1, this method does not return a SOAP response.
Adding Line Breaks to Binary Data
You can cause the Caché web service to include automatic line breaks for properties of type %BinaryOpens in a new tab or %xsd.base64BinaryOpens in a new tab. To do so, do either of the following:
Set the BASE64LINEBREAKS parameter to 1 in the web service class.
Set the Base64LineBreaks property to 1, for the web service class instance. The value of this property takes precedence over the value set by the BASE64LINEBREAKS parameter.
For the parameter and the property, the default value is 0; by default, a Caché web service does not include automatic line breaks for properties of type %BinaryOpens in a new tab or %xsd.base64BinaryOpens in a new tab.
Adding a Byte-Order Mark to the SOAP Messages
By default, a message sent by a Caché web service does not start with a BOM (byte-order mark).
The BOM is usually not needed because the message is encoded as UTF-8, which does not have byte order issues. However, in some cases, it is necessary or desirable to include a BOM in a SOAP message; this BOM merely indicates that the message is UTF-8.
To add a BOM to the messages sent by a Caché web service, set the RequestMessageStart property of the service. This property must equal a comma-separated list of the parts to include at the start of a message. These parts are as follows:
DCL is the XML declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
BOM is the UTF-8 BOM.
The default is "DCL".
In practice, RequestMessageStart can equal any of the following values:
Customizing the Timeout Period
The CSP Gateway waits for a fixed length of time (specified in the CSP Gateway) for a Caché web service to send a response message. For information on setting the timeout period, see the CSP Gateway Configuration Guide.
In some cases, you might know that a given web method requires a longer period before it can complete. If so, you can specify the timeout period for that method. To do so, near the start of the definition of that web method, add a line to set the Timeout property of the web service. Specify a timeout period in seconds. For example, if the default timeout period is three minutes and you need the timeout period to be five minutes, you might do the following:
Method LongRunningMethod(Input) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
set ..Timeout=300; this method will not time out until 5 minutes
//method implementation here
Using Process-Private Globals to Support Very Large Messages
By default, a Caché web service usually uses local array memory when it parses requests or responses. You can force it to use process-private globals instead; this enables the web service to process very large messages.
To do so, specify the USEPPGHANDLER parameter of the web service class as follows:
Parameter USEPPGHANDLER = 1;
If this parameter is 1, then the web service always uses process-private globals when it parses requests or responses. If this parameter is 0, then the web service always uses local array memory for these purposes. If this parameter is not set, then the web service uses the default, which is usually local array memory.
Customizing Callbacks of a Web Service
You can customize the behavior of a Caché web service by overriding its callback methods:
Called when the web service receives a request message, if there is no security error; this callback is not invoked in the case of a security error. The system invokes this callback after performing security processing, after checking the envelope for errors, and after processing the actions specified in the WS-Addressing header (if any). This callback is useful for tasks such as logging raw SOAP requests.
This method has the following signature:
Method OnRequestMessage(mode As %String, action As %String, request As %Stream.Object)
mode specifies the type of SOAP request. This is either "SOAP" or "binary".
action contains the value of SOAPAction header.
request contains the SOAP request message in a stream.
This method can use the CSP %request object. In this object:
The Content property contains the raw request message.
The NextMimeData() instance method enbles you to retrieve individual MIME parts (if this is a MIME SOAP request).
This method can also use properties of the web service instance. The following properties are set during initialization:
The ImportHandler property contains the DOM for parsed SOAP request message.
The SecurityIn property contains the WS-Security header element. For details, see Securing Caché Web Services.
The SecurityNamespace property contains the namespace for the WS-Security header element.
The SoapFault property is set if SOAP fault has been generated.
To return a fault within OnRequestMessage(), set the SoapFault property. Do not call the ReturnFault() method.
Called just before a web method is executed; does nothing by default. This method takes no arguments and cannot return a value. This method therefore cannot change the execution of the web service except by returning a SOAP fault in the same way that a web method would do.
This method can use %request, %session, and the web service properties. Note that the MsgClass property of the web service is the message descriptor class that contains the web method arguments.
Called just after a web method is executed; does nothing by default. This method takes no arguments and cannot return a value. This method therefore cannot change the execution or return value of the web method. You customize this method primarily to clean up required structures created by OnPreWebMethod().
Specifying Custom Transport for a Web Service
By default, a Caché web service responds to transport in a specific way, described here. You can customize this behavior.
When a Caché web service receives a SOAP message, it executes its OnSOAPRequest() class method. By default, this method does the following:
Initializes the web service instance by calling its Initialize() method. This method parses the inbound SOAP message, returns several pieces of information by reference, and processes the security header. See the documentation for the %SOAP.WebServiceOpens in a new tab class.
Sets properties of the web service instance, such as SoapFault and others.
Initializes the response stream.
Invokes the Process() method of the web service, passing to it the SOAP action and the method to invoke.
Resets the web service instance by calling its Reset() method.
Copies the result into the response stream.
Defining Custom Transport for a Web Service
To implement a web service using your own transport, get the SOAP message as a stream using your transport, instantiate the web service class and call its OnSOAPRequest() class method.
The OnSOAPRequest() method must transport the request to the web service and obtain the response. To indicate an error, it must return a SOAP fault in the response stream. The signature of this method must be as follows:
Method OnSOAPRequest(action,requestStream, responseStream)
action is a %StringOpens in a new tab that specifies the SOAP action. The piece of the action string after the last "." is used as the method name for using the correct descriptor class. If action is null, then the element name from the first element (the wrapping element) in the SOAP body is used as the method name.
requestStream is a stream that contains the SOAP request message encoded according to the encoding attribute of the XML directive.
responseStream is a character stream produced as the SOAP response that contains the response SOAP message encoded in UTF-8. You can create this argument before calling OnSOAPRequest() and passed it in with the method call. Or this argument can be a variable passed by reference. In this case, OnSOAPRequest() must set it equal to an instance of %FileCharacterStreamOpens in a new tab that contains the response.
Defining Custom Processing in a Web Service
In rare scenarios, it may be useful to define a Caché web service that uses custom processing to handle inbound messages and to build response messages. In these scenarios, you implement either the ProcessBodyNode() method or the ProcessBody() method in the web service. This section provides the details.
In custom processing, you parse the inbound message and construct the response manually. The requirements are as follows:
In the web service, you define web methods that have the desired signatures. You do this to establish the WSDL of the web service. These web methods (or some of them) can be stubs. A method is executed only if ProcessBodyNode() or ProcessBody() returns 0.
Also in the web service, you implement one of the following methods:
ProcessBodyNode() — This method receives the SOAP body as an instance of %XML.NodeOpens in a new tab. You can use Caché XML tools to work with this instance and build the response message. The SOAP envelope is available in the Document property of this instance of %XML.NodeOpens in a new tab.
ProcessBody() — This method receives the SOAP Body as a stream. Because the SOAP body is an XML fragment rather than an XML document, you cannot use the Caché XML tools to read it. Instead, you parse the stream with ObjectScript functions and extract the needed parts.
If you define both of these methods, the ProcessBodyNode() method is ignored.
In either case, the response message that you construct must be consistent with the WSDL of the web service.
Implementing ProcessBodyNode()
The ProcessBodyNode() method has the following signature:
method ProcessBodyNode(action As %String, body As %XML.Node,
ByRef responseBody As %CharacterStream) as %Boolean
action is the SOAP action specified in the inbound message.
body is an instance of %XML.NodeOpens in a new tab that contains the SOAP <Body>.
responseBody is the response body serialized as an instance of %Library.CharacterStreamOpens in a new tab. This stream is passed by reference and is initially empty.
If you implement this method in a web service, the method should do the following:
Examine the action and branch accordingly. For example:
if action["action1" { //details }
If you need to access the SOAP <Envelope> (for example, to access its namespace declarations), use the Document property of body. This equals an instance of %XML.DocumentOpens in a new tab, which represents the SOAP envelope as a DOM (Document Object Model).
Otherwise, use body directly.
Now you have the following options:
Use %XML.WriterOpens in a new tab to write the body as a string, which you can then manipulate. For example:
set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New() do writer.OutputToString() do writer.DocumentNode(body) set request=writer.GetXMLString(.sc) // check returned status and continue
Use methods of %XML.DocumentOpens in a new tab or %XML.NodeOpens in a new tab, as appropriate, to navigate through the document. Similarly, use properties of %XML.DocumentOpens in a new tab or %XML.NodeOpens in a new tab to access information about the current part of the document.
Use XPath expressions to extract data.
Perform XSLT transformations.
For details, see Using Caché XML Tools. Be sure to check the status returned by methods in these classes, to simplify troubleshooting in the case of an error.
If an error occurs during the processing of the request, return a fault in the usual way using the ReturnFault() method.
Use the Write() method of the response stream to write the XML fragment which will become the child element of <Body>.
If a response stream is created, return 1. Otherwise, return 0, which causes Caché to run the web method associated with the given action.
For example:
if action["action1" { //no custom processing for this branch quit 0 } elseif action["action2" { //details //quit 1 }
Implementing ProcessBody()
The ProcessBody() method has the following signature:
method ProcessBody(action As %String, requestBody As %CharacterStream,
ByRef responseBody As %CharacterStream) as %Boolean
action is the SOAP action specified in the inbound message.
requestBody is an instance of %Library.CharacterStreamOpens in a new tab that contains the SOAP <Body> element. The stream contains an XML fragment, not a complete XML document.
responseBody, is the response body serialized as an instance of %Library.CharacterStreamOpens in a new tab. This stream is passed by reference and is initially empty.
If you implement this method in a web service, the method should do the following:
Examine the action and branch accordingly. For example:
if action["action1" { //details }
Use the Read() method of requestBody to obtain the SOAP <Body>. For example:
set request=requestBody.Read()
Parse this stream by using tools such as $EXTRACT. For example:
set in1="<echoString xmlns=""""><inputString>" set in2="</inputString></echoString>" set contents=$extract(request,$length(in1)+1,*-$length(in2))
If an error occurs during the processing of the request, return a fault in the usual way using the ReturnFault() method.
Use the Write() method of the response stream to write the XML fragment that will become the child element of <Body>. For example:
set in1="<echoString xmlns=""""><inputString>" set in2="</inputString></echoString>" set request=requestBody.Read() if ($extract(request,1,$length(in1))'=in1) || ($extract(request,*-$length(in2)+1,*)'=in2) { do responseBody.Write("Bad Request: "_request) quit 1 } set out1="<echoStringResponse xmlns=""""><echoStringResult>" set out2="</echoStringResult></echoStringResponse>" do responseBody.Write(out1) do responseBody.Write($extract(request,$length(in1)+1,*-$length(in2))) do responseBody.Write(out2)
If a response stream is created, return 1. Otherwise, return 0, which causes Caché to run the web method associated with the given action.