$ZNSPACE contains the name of the current namespace. By setting $ZNSPACE, you can change the current namespace.
To obtain the current namespace name:
You can also obtain the name of the current namespace by invoking the NameSpace()Opens in a new tab method of %SYSTEM.SYSOpens in a new tab class, as follows:
You can test whether a namespace is defined by using the Exists()Opens in a new tab method of the %SYS.NamespaceOpens in a new tab class, as follows:
WRITE ##class(%SYS.Namespace).Exists("USER"),! ; an existing namespace
WRITE ##class(%SYS.Namespace).Exists("LOSER") ; a non-existent namespace
These methods are described in the InterSystems Class Reference.
For UNIX® systems, the default namespace is established as a System Configuration option. For Windows systems, it is set using a command line start-up option.
Namespace names are not case-sensitive. Caché always displays explicit namespace names in all uppercase letters, and implied namespace names in all lowercase letters.
To obtain the namespace name of a specified process, use a method of the %SYS.ProcessQueryOpens in a new tab class, as shown in the following example:
WRITE ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).%OpenId($JOB).NameSpaceGet()
Setting the Current Namespace
You can change the current namespace using a ZNSPACE command, a SET $NAMESPACE, or a SET $ZNSPACE. SET $ZNSPACE is functionally identical to the ZNSPACE command.
When you wish to temporarily change the current namespace, perform some operation, then revert to the prior namespace, use SET $NAMESPACE, rather than SET $ZNSPACE. Because $NAMESPACE permits you to NEW $NAMESPACE, it reverts to the original namespace when either the subroutine completes or an unexpected error occurs. See $NAMESPACE special variable for details.
You can use the SET command to change the value of $ZNSPACE. This sets the current namespace for the process. Specify the new namespace as a string literal or a variable or expression that evaluates to a quoted string. You can specify an explicit namespace ("namespace") or an implied namespace ("^system^dir" or "^^dir").
If you specify the current namespace, SET $ZNSPACE performs no operation and returns no error. If you specify an undefined namespace, SET $ZNSPACE generates a <NAMESPACE> error.
You cannot NEW the $ZNSPACE special variable.
In the following example, if the current namespace is not USER, a SET $ZNSPACE command changes the current namespace to USER. Note that because of the IF test, the namespace must be specified in all uppercase letters.
WRITE !,"Namespace already was ",$ZNSPACE }
ELSEIF 1=##class(%SYS.Namespace).Exists(ns) {
WRITE !,"Namespace was ",$ZNSPACE
WRITE !,"Set namespace to ",$ZNSPACE }
ELSE { WRITE !,ns," is not a defined namespace" }
This example requires that UnknownUser have assigned the %DB_CACHESYS and the %DB_USER roles.
See Also
SET command
ZNSPACE command
$NAMESPACE special variable
Configuring Namespaces in Caché System Administration Guide