[DeviceSubTypes] Name=n=a^b^c^d^e^f^g^h^i^j
Each entry provides nine up-arrow (^) values that define a device subtype. From left to right:
RightMargin—The number that represents the location of the right margin. Device output wraps at that number of characters.
FormFeed—The ASCII code that represents a form feed on the selected device in the form #,$C(code1,code2...). This setting is used by the Caché CHUI utilities.
ScreenLength—The number of lines that comprise one screen or page for the device.
Backspace—The ASCII code that represents the backspace character on the selected device in the form $C(code1). This setting is used by the Caché CHUI utilities.
CursorControl—The ASCII code that represents the cursor on the selected device in the form $C(code1).
EraseEOL—The ASCII code that represents erasing the end of line characters on this device in the form $C(code1,code2).
EraseEOF—The ASCII code that represents erasing the end of file character on the selected device in the form $C(code1,code2...).
ZU22FormFeed—The ASCII code that represents a form feed on the selected device in the form $C(code1,code2). This setting is used by Caché for Terminal output.
ZU22Backspace—The ASCII code that represents a backspace on the selected device in the form $C(code1). This setting is used by Caché for Terminal output.
The following is a sample [DeviceSubTypes] section. This example wraps long lines to fit them onto the viewing page. In the .cpf file itself, each entry appears all on one line:
C-ANSI=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^25^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H"
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-Terminal=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_
(DX+1)_"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^
C-TV925=80^#,$C(27,44)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,61,DY+32,DX+32) S $X=DX,$Y=DY^^^
C-VT100=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT101W=132^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^14^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT132=132^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_
"H" S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^^
C-VT220=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H"
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-VT240=80^#,$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,91)_(DY+1)_";"_(DX+1)_"H"
S $X=DX,$Y=DY^$C(27,91,74)^$C(27,91,75)^$C(27,91,72,27,91,74)^$C(8,32,8)
C-VT52=80^#,$C(27,72)^24^$C(8)^W $C(27,89,DY+32,DX+32) S $X=DX,$Y=DY^^^^
All default values depend on the device type.
On the page System Administration > Configuration > Device Settings > Device Subtypes is a list of existing subtypes. Select Create New Sub Type, Edit, or Delete to modify the list.