[Debug] dumpstyle=n
When Caché performs a core dump, you can set the style of the dump using this option. Values and their meanings are listed in the following.
On Unix, all dump styles generate a core file. The process cleans itself up as much as possible before exiting.
On Windows this is the pid.dmp file.
On Windows this is a Windows minidump file (type = MiniDumpWithFullMemory) named cachefpid.dmp, which can be read by WinDbg, a Microsoft debugger. This is the most complete dump option, but it can create a huge dump file.
On Windows this is the old style exception processing where the process does minimal cleanup (deqallresources and GRETRELEASE) and then resignals the exception. The intention here is to catch the exception in a debugger and preserve as much information as possible to analyze.
On Unix this detaches shared memory before the Abort, so the core file does not contain the shared memory area.
On Windows this is a Windows minidump file (type = MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory) named cacheipid.dmp, which can be read by WinDbg. This creates a fairly large but useful dump file. This is the new default on Windows if dumpstyle is not specified.
On Windows this is a Windows minidump file (type = MiniDumpNormal) named cachempid.dmp, which can be read by WinDbg. This creates a small dump file containing minimal information.
The active value can be changed with $system.Config.ModifyDumpStyle(NewValue). This changes the value for all new Cache processes. It does not change the value in cache.cpf.
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No equivalent.