This topic describes the parameters found in the [Miscellaneous] section of the CPF file.
- AsyncDisconnectErr – Enable/disable a process to receive disconnect errors asynchronously.
- AsynchError – Enable/disable processes to receive asynchronous errors.
- BreakMode – Programmer mode response to the BREAK command.
- CollectResourceStats – Controls whether system resource statistics are collected or not.
- DisconnectErr – Enable/disable a process to receive disconnect errors.
- EnableLongStrings – Enable/disable a large stack space for long strings.
- FileMode – Enable/disable writing to a non-existent file.
- GlobalKillEnabled – Enable/disable KILL of an unsubscripted global.
- IEEEError – Enables or disables $DOUBLE returning INF and NAN values system-wide.
- LineRecall – Enable/disable command line recall for READ commands.
- LogRollback – Enable/disable logging for transaction rollbacks.
- MVDefined – Sets MVBasic handling of undefined variables system-wide.
- NodeNameInPid – Behavior when Caché makes a reference to the special variable $JOB.
- NullSubscripts – Enable/disable null subscripts on global references.
- OldZU5 – Clear global vectors when switching namespace.
- OpenMode – Read/write mode to use when opening sequential files.
- PopError – When to pop error handlers off the stack.
- RefInKind – Result of $NAME and $QUERY when an extended global reference is the argument.
- ScientificNotation – Enables or disables lowercase "e" as scientific notation symbol system-wide.
- SetZEOF – Behavior when Caché encounters an unexpected end-of-file when reading a sequential file.
- ShutDownLogErrors – Enable/disable writing of Caché system error log entries (see Caché System Error Log in the Monitoring Caché Using the Management Portal chapter of the Caché Monitoring Guide) to the console log file on shutdown.
- SwitchOSdir – Enable/disable switching current working directories when changing namespaces.
- SynchCommit – Enable/disable synchronizing TCOMMIT with the corresponding journal write operation.
- TelnetNUL – Suppress/issue Telnet NUL at end-of-line for Telnet transmission. Windows only.
- TruncateOverflow – Enable/disable the <MAXNUMBER> error on numeric overflow.
- Undefined
- UseNagleAlgorithm – Enable/disable the Nagle algorithm for Telnet.
- ViewPastData – Enable $VIEW to examine data outside of Caché memory area.
- ZaMode – ZALLOCATE (ZA) and ZDEALLOCATE (ZD) behavior.
- ZDateNull – $ZDATE response to an invalid value.