To override the default way that the class would be projected to Java and C++ clients, use the following syntax:
Class Sample.NewClass1 [ ServerOnly = serveronlyvalue ] { //class members }
Where serveronlyvalue is one of the following:
0 means that this class can be projected.
1 means that this class will not be projected.
If this keyword is 1, the class will not be projected to a Java or C++ client. If this keyword is 0, the class will be projected.
Effect on Subclasses
This keyword is not inherited.
If this keyword is omitted, this class is projected if it is not a stub (but is not projected if it is a stub).
See Also
“Class Definitions” in this book
“Defining and Compiling Classes” in Using Caché Objects
“Introduction to Compiler Keywords” in Using Caché Objects