To override how Caché projects the method to a Java or C++ client, use the following syntax:
Method name(formal_spec) As returnclass [ ServerOnly=n ] { //implementation }
Where n is one of the following:
0 means that this method can be projected.
1 means that this method will not be projected.
This keyword specifies that a method will not be projected to a Java or C++ client.
To see which methods of a class are server-only, use the following utility in the Terminal:
do dumpMethods^%occLGUtil("Sample.Person")
The argument is the fully qualified class name. This utility produces a report that indicates basic information about each method: whether the method is a stub, whether the method is server-only, and (if the method is derived from a property) the property from which it is derived.
If you omit this keyword, this method will not be projected if it is a stub method (but will be projected if it is not a stub method).
See Also
“Method Definitions” in this book
“Defining and Calling Methods” in Using Caché Objects
“Defining Method and Trigger Generators” in Using Caché Objects
“Introduction to Compiler Keywords” in Using Caché Objects