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Returns the bitwise OR for two bit strings.




bitstring A bit string, specified as an expression that resolves to a positive integer. For example, the integer 64 specifies the bitstring 1000000. The maximum bitstring value is 9223372036854775807.


The BITOR function compares two bit strings bit-by-bit, and returns a bitstring that is the logical OR bitwise comparison of the two strings. Both bitstring values are specified as positive integers. The returned value is also expressed as a positive integer.

The following is the truth table for BITOR:

  bitstring1 = 0 bitstring1 = 1
bitstring2 = 0 0 1
bitstring2 = 1 1 1

A bitstring can be expressed as either a number or as a string. A number are converted to canonical form, with leading plus signs and leading and trailing zeros omitted. If either argument evaluates to the null string or a non-numeric string it is assumed to have a value of 0. A string is parsed as a number until a non-numeric character is encountered. Thus “7dwarves” is parsed as 7.


The following example specifies a bitstring1 of 14 (binary 1110), and a bitstring2 of 9 (binary 1001). Bitwise OR comparison results in the binary string 1111, the integer value of which is 15:

PRINT BITOR(14,9);  ! Returns 15

The following example specifies a bitstring1 of 14 (binary 1110), and a bitstring2 of 6 (binary 110). Bitwise OR comparison results in the binary string 1110, the integer value of which is 14:

PRINT BITOR(14,6);  ! Returns 14

The following example specifies a bitstring1 of 65 (binary 1000001), and a bitstring2 of 62 (binary 111110). Bitwise OR comparison results in the binary string 1111111, the integer value of which is 127:

PRINT BITOR(65,62);  ! Returns 127

The following example specifies two bitstrings with the same integer value. Bitwise OR comparison of a number with itself always results in the number:

PRINT BITOR(64,64);  ! Returns 64

See Also

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