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Returns the data value of a specified variable.




variable A local, global, or process-private global variable, subscripted or unsubscripted. The variable may be undefined. variable may be specified as an object property with the syntax obj->property.
default Optional — An expression that resolves to a value to be returned if the variable is undefined. If default is a variable it must be defined, even when not used.


$GET returns the data value of a specified variable. The handling of undefined variables depends on whether you specify a default parameter.

  • $GET(variable) returns the value of the specified variable, or the null string if the variable is undefined. The variable parameter value can be the name of any variable, including a subscripted array element (either local or global).

  • $GET(variable,default) provides a default value to return if the variable is undefined. If the variable is defined, $GET returns its value.

Handling Undefined Variables

$GET defines handling behavior if a specified variable is undefined. The basic form of $GET returns a null string ("") if the specified variable is undefined.

$DATA tests if a specified variable is defined. It returns 0 if the variable is undefined.

The UndefinedOpens in a new tab property of the Config.MiscellaneousOpens in a new tab class defines handling behavior for all undefined variables system-wide. The Undefined()Opens in a new tab method of the %SYSTEM.ProcessOpens in a new tab class defines handling behavior for all undefined variables for the current process. Setting this property or method has no effect on $GET or $DATA handling of specified variables.



The variable whose data value is to be returned. It can be a local variable, a global variable, or a process-private global variable. It can be either subscripted or unsubscripted. It can be a multidimensional object property. The variable does not need to be a defined variable. The variable can be defined and set to the null string (""). If a global variable, it can contain an extended global reference. If a subscripted global variable, it can be specified using a naked global reference. Even when referencing an undefined subscripted global variable, variable resets the naked indicator, affecting future naked global references, as described below.

$GET should not be used on system variables (@ variables). It always returns the null string for all @ variables, whether or not the @ variable currently has a value.


The data value to be returned if variable is undefined. It can be any expression, including a local variable, a global variable, or a process-private global variable, either subscripted or unsubscripted. default can be a system variable (@ variable), with or without a non-null value.

If default is a local variable, a global variable, or a process-private global variable, it must be defined variable. If default is an undefined variable, $GET issues an <UNDEFINED> error, even when variable is defined.

If default is a global variable, it can contain an extended global reference. If a subscripted global variable, it can be specified using a naked global reference. If present, default resets the naked indicator, affecting future naked global references.


In the following example, the variable test is defined and the variable xtest is undefined:

PRINT tdef    ! $GET returned value of test
PRINT tundef  ! $GET returned null string for xtest
PRINT $GET(xtest,"none") 
              ! $GET returns default of "none" for undefined xtest 

In the following example, a multidimensional property is used as the variable value. This example returns the names of defined namespaces:

obj = "%ResultSet"->%New("%SYS.Namespace:List")
crt $GET(obj->Data,"none") ! returns "none"
crt $GET(obj->Data,"none") ! returns "none"
crt $GET(obj->Data("Nsp")) ! returns "%SYS"
crt $GET(obj->Data("Nsp")) ! returns next namespace
crt $GET(obj->Data("Nsp")) ! returns next namespace

A similar program returns the same information using the $DATA function.


$GET Compared to $DATA

$GET provides an alternative to $DATA tests for both undefined variables ($DATA=0) and array nodes that are downward pointers without data ($DATA=10). If the variable is either undefined or a pointer array node without data, $GET returns a null string ("") without an undefined error.

Note that $DATA tests are more specific than $GET tests because they allow you to distinguish between undefined elements and elements that are downward pointers only.

See Also

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