Error Messages
This chapter lists the error messages supported by Caché MultiValue.
Error Codes and Error Messages
Caché MultiValue supports error codes and corresponding error messages. Most error codes are positive integer values, but there are also a small number of alphanumeric string error codes. Error codes are usually displayed enclosed in square brackets. You can use the MVBasic ERRMSG command to display the error message for a given error code. The MVBasic ABORTE and STOPE commands also return these error messages. Square brackets are not used when specifying an error code to these functions.
Numeric Error Codes
Error messages 1 through 99:
[1] Indexes purged. [2] Missing a terminating string delimiter (' " \). [3] '' is not a verb. [5] The dictionary entry for "" has an invalid format. [11] No Dictionary Attributes Specified. [12] File '' is update protected. [16] Syntax error in statement ''. [19] Value without an attribute name is illegal. [20] Maximum number of new context levels exceeded. [24] The word "" cannot be identified. [27] Item id '' is illegal. [30] Format error in VOC entry defining verb. [31] Basic program pointer '' missing target routine name. [32] The keyword definition '' is recursive. [39] An item '' already exists in the VOC. [40] Program '' has not been compiled. [41] Program '' cannot be found (Source or bytecode). [64] Only one item id is permitted in a "WITHIN" type statement. [71] An illegal connective modifies the word ''. [82] Your system privilege level is not sufficient for this statement. [86] File reference attempted on file not previously opened. [87] File i/o via PROC file buffer failed: file not previously opened. [88] PROC statement has attempted a divide by zero. [89] File i/o via PROC file buffer failed: binary item encountered. [93] TAPE NOT ATTACHED! [94] End of file. [96] Bot. [97] Eot. [99] '' Tape records written.
Error messages 100 through 199:
[117] A delete statement must contain either item-ids or selection criteria. [120] '' negative balance not permitted. [150] Two digit years default to the years 1900 to 1999. [151] Two digit years are set at the system level to the dates between: '' and ''. [152] Two digit years are set in this process to apply to dates between: '' and ''. [154] The options specified, '' serve no purpose alone. [155] The options specified, '' express conflicting intent. [156] Invalid mask specification. [157] Account '' will be imported into namespace '' due to existing use of default namespace. [158] An illegal connective of the form '' modifies ''. [159] Account '' will be imported into existing empty namespace ''. [160] Account '' will be restored into namespace '' which will be created. [161] Account '' already exists and will not be imported. [163] Attribute for sort-key missing. [166] Illegal attribute name ''. [167] Non-numeric amc. [169] Invalid syntax. [170] Missing left parenthesis. [171] Missing right parenthesis. [172] Missing THEN. [173] Missing semicolon. [174] Missing comma. [175] The Itype code in '' has not been compiled. [176] EVAL must be followed by an expression enclosed in double quotes. [177] AS must be followed by a new column name. [178] The EVAL expression " failed to compile. [179] The keyword " must be followed by an integer. [180] '' Items processed. [181] '' Message(s) sent. [183] Expected a file path. [184] Unable to open filepath '' [185] Expected a number. [186] The DICT item referenced in the N() clause is invalid. [187] The DICT item referenced by N() not found. [195] '' is not a list. [196] The SYSPROG account cannot be deleted. [197] Full file retrieval cannot be specified when using this verb. [198] Account name?
Error messages 200 through 299:
[200] File name missing. [201] Unable to open file ''. [202] '' not on file. [203] Item name? [204] File definition '' is missing. [206] Data section '' not found. [207] FROM or TO clause missing listnumber. [208] Account '' deleted. [209] List number must be between 0 and 10. [210] File '' is access protected. [211] Index name missing. [212] There is no index on '' [213] Backup format not recognized. [214] MVIMPORT is already running on another port. [215] Account '' not deleted because multiple namespaces are mapped into database '': [220] '' exited from file ''. [221] '' filed in file ''. [222] '' deleted from file ''. [223] '' exists on file. [227] The catalog entry points to object from a different file. Account: , File: , Item: [228] The target routine '' in account '' is missing. [229] '' is not a valid account name. [231] Program '' is a Normal catalog entry. [232] Program '' is a Local catalog Entry. [233] Program '' is Globally cataloged. [234] The routine '' is defined as being in namespace '' but there is no account associated with it. [235] The target routine '' is missing. [238] File '' is update protected. [240] No select list active. [241] '' Cataloged. [242] '' decataloged. [243] '' Cataloged Local. [244] '' Cataloged Global. [247] Items saved to list ''. [256] Execution time Seconds. [258] source files failed to compile. [267] PROC transfer to '' cannot be completed. [268] PROC error, destination of GO not found, at line: offset: in the statement: [269] Invalid operand or value used in the PROC statement: [270] PROC format error at line: offset: in the statement: [271] PROC error, No target for GO command, at line: offset: in the statement: [272] [Account: File: Proc: ] PROC compile failed. [273] PROC error, Invalid operator for pattern match (), at line: offset: in the statement: [274] PROC Unsupported command at line: offset: in the statement: [275] PROC error, Unknown user exit, at line: offset: in the statement: [276] PROC error, too many labels, at line: offset: in the statement: [277] PROC error, Duplicate label, at line: offset: in the statement: [278] PROC Error: Failed to open file containing PROC. Account: File: Item: [279] PROC Error: Item containing PROC not found. Account: File: Item: [290] The value "" of parameter number "" is not acceptable. [298] Format error in specifications.
Error messages 300 through 399:
[310] Item is locked by port . [351] Multiple using clauses in the query. [352] Multiple using clauses within the macro '' in the file '' [353] USING keyword must be followed by a valid filename. [354] Error in Phrase or Macro ''
Error messages 400 through 499:
[401] No items present. [402] File-definition item '' cannot be deleted or overwritten. [409] The data section '' already exists. [410] A synonym (Q type) file cannot be specified in this statement. [413] The file name already exists in the master dictionary. [414] Data section '' set to use directory ''. [415] '' exists on file. [417] CreateFile Completed. [418] Default data section for file '' created. Type = [419] The specified file cannot be cleared or deleted! [420] Dictionary file deletion cannot be done without deletion of data first. [421] DICT for file '' created. Type = [422] Data section '' created. Type = [423] Total of is : [424] DICT with a data section name is illegal. [425] USING must be followed by DICT <filename>. [426] DICT of file '' set to use DICT of file ''. [427] Unable to create directory '' for file ''. [428] DICT '' set to use directory ''. [429] Default Data Section of '' set to use directory ''. [430] No items deleted. [431] One item deleted. [432] Items deleted. [433] File '' has been cleared. [434] Expected a path to a directory in the host file system. [435] The account '' in namespace '' cannot be opened. [436] The file '' in account '' in namespace '' cannot be opened. [437] Added default record '@ID' to 'DICT '. [438] Items summed. [440] DICT '' Deleted. [441] Default Data Section '' deleted. [442] Data section '' deleted. [443] VOC entry for file '' deleted. [444] VOC entry for file '' updated. [445] Catalog pointer '' needs to be modified to use TCL2. Edit the VOC item and add '2' to attribute 5. [446] Class cannot be generated for system file ''. [447] Single Level File '' cannot delete the DATA section. [448] The global '' is already in use, operation failed.
Error messages 500 through 699:
Error messages 700 through 799:
[701] Invalid function correlative definition. [702] missing right bracket (]). [703] Invalid C conversion/correlative definition : [704] Invalid P conversion definition : [706] The file specified in the translate '' does not exist. [707] Unable to open target file of translate conversion. [708] Value '' Cannot be translated. [713] Function correlative data stack empty. [714] Function correlative data stack overflow. [723] Format mask exceeds maximum length of 256 characters. [724] Length conversion exceeds maximum value of 32767. [725] F correlative exceeds maximum of 200 opcodes. [726] Invalid substitute code. [727] Invalid character position in text extract. [728] Invalid code in format. [729] Too many ranges. [730] Trailing characters not recognized as valid in the conversion code. [731] Attempted to compile A correlative but the DICT was not opened. [732] Error in conversion code on attribute 7 or 3 of ''. [733] Error in conversion code on attribute 8 of ''.
Error messages 800 through 899:
[800] Conversion code exceeds size of internal buffer. [801] Invalid year digits field. [804] Missing separator character. [806] Conversion Feature '' is not currently implemented. [807] Parameters missing. [808] Invalid Translate code. [809] Error in conversion code '' [810] Account '' already exists. [811] Create account '' failed. [812] Invalid emulation specified. [814] Account '' created. [815] Changing the emulation setting of account SYSPROG is forbidden. [819] SELECT list number out of range (0-10). [820] Invalid key , SELECTINFO(). [821] SELECT list parameter is invalid. [822] Account '' in namespace '' attached. [823] Long Strings Not Enabled To run MV applications you must enable long strings. In the Management Portal: Select Configuration, Memory and Startup Check the "Enable Long Strings" box Apply the changes and RESTART your session. [824] Trigger event '' is not a valid event name. Valid event names are: POSTOPEN, and PRE|POST: READ,INSERT,UPDATE,WRITE,DELETE,CLEAR [825] Warning - Trigger subroutine '' is not yet CATALOGed. [826] Trigger routine already installed for event '' on file '' Use (O option to override existing routine. [827] Trigger routine '' success. Installed on file '' for event ''. [828] event trigger removed from file ''. [829] No port number specified. [830] Port is not logged on. [831] You do not have the authorization to perform this operation. [832] Port logged off. [833] A correlative 'N()' failed. [834] @FILENAME null. [835] Create of Directory '' failed with error code . [836] Invalid package name ''. [837] Invalid class name ''. [838] Date segment widths are limited to 15 chars. [839] Date segment text strings are limited to 15 chars. [840] Open transaction(s) were rolled back. [841] The DICT does not contain any attribute definitions. [842] No class or indexes defined for this file. [843] You do not have the required permission to access the MV shell. [844] You do not have the permissions needed to access SYSPROG Use of resource:%Admin_Manage. [845] You do not have '' permission for required resource '' to perform this operation. [846] You do not have the required database access privileges to logon to . [847] F pointer item '' not copied. [848] Invalid routine name ''. [849] Unknown User Exit ''. [850] Error in conversion code '' at line of . [851] Source Id: File: Line: [852] Source Id: File: Line: Account: [855] Conversion Feature '' is not currently implemented. [856] Class '' has multiple properties with the MVNAME parameter ''. [857] Index '' already exists. [858] CREATE.INDEX is not supported on directory or anode file types. [859] Index '' is already defined for ''. [860] Index '' deleted. [861] No indexes deleted. [862] The attribute number in property '' does not match the attribute number in dictionary ''. [863] The Itype code in property '' does not match the code in dictionary ''. [864] The data type in property '' does not match the type in dictionary ''. [865] The correlative code in property '' does not match the code in dictionary ''. [866] Index(es) created. [867] Index Build Completed. [868] Build Index Failed: [869] The multivalue indicator in property '' does not match the indicator in dictionary ''. [870] The multivalue indicator in property '' does not match the indicator in dictionary ''. [871] There is no class associated with file ''. [872] Unable to open compiled class ''. [873] Index has unknown collation type. [874] Index type not supported by MVBasic. [875] The property name '' is already in use. [876] Itype '' contains system delimiters. [877] Printer assignment for channel '' cleared. [878] All printer assignments cleared. [879] Class '' has the MVAUTOLOCK parameter set. This prevents this verb from modifying the class. [880] Printer channel number '' is out of range.
Error messages 900 through 4999:
Error messages 5000 through 5029:
[5000] Item '' in file '' Locked. [5001] <MVFIO> Directory/File permission error or failure. Account: File: Item: [5002] <MVFIO> Failed to open file. Account: File: Item: [5003] <MVFIO> Invalid file reference object. [5004] <MVFIO> Bad VOC entry. Account: File: Item: [5005] <MVFIO> End of Select List. [5006] <MVFIO> Buffer Realloc. Account: File: Item: [5007] <MVFIO> Buffer Alloc. Account: File: Item: [5008] <MVFIO> Unable to allocate buffer space for item. Account: File: Item: [5009] <MVFIO> Item already exists in file. Account: File: Item: [5010] <MVFIO> Item not found Account: File: Item: [5013] <MVFIO> Unable to access S.ACCOUNT or an entry in it. [5014] <MVFIO> Unable to create object reference. [5015] <MVFIO> Attr/Value/Subval not found. Account: File: Item: [5016] <MVFIO> Format error in Qpointer. Account: File: Item: [5017] <MVFIO> Global for file is missing or corrupted. Account: File: Item: [5018] <MVFIO> The file type is not supported. Account: File: Item: [5019] <MVFIO> Object is not a selectlist object. [5020] <MVFIO> Item to be updated not found Account: File: Item: [5021] <MVFIO> Global for file has no organization indicator in the default subscript. [5022] <MVFIO> Qpointers form an endless loop. Account: File: Item: [5025] <MVFIO> Index routine not found [5026] <MVFIO> SQL error while updating indices [5028] <MVFIO> Current namespace is not MV enabled [5029] <MVFIO> Trigger routine not found
Error messages 6000 through 6219 correspond to ObjectScript error codes. See General System Error Messages in Caché Error Reference for descriptions of these errors.
Error messages 7000 through 7017:
[7000] The dynamic library '' failed to load with error: [7001] Failed to resolve function ''. Error: [7002] CMQL: Internal Error, contact InterSystems support with the following info: [7003] CMQL: Premature end of command or syntax error at command end: [7004] CMQL: Syntax error near '' : [7005] CMQL: Syntax error at end of command, while looking for '' : [7006] CMQL: Syntax error near '', while looking for '' : [7007] CMQL: Syntax error near command end [7008] CMQL: Malformed query near '' : [7009] CMQL: Malformed query at command end [7010] CMQL: Syntax error near '' while looking for one of : [7011] CMQL: The DICT entry is not defined. [7012] CMQL: Fatal internal error - invalid query tree. Please prepare the following information and contact InterSystems support: o As much detail as possible regarding the CMQL statement o As much detail as possible regarding the DICT of the file(s) in question o Provide the information between the == lines below ================================================================ Exception message : Recognizer line : Tree line : Node description : ================================================================ [7013] CMQL: Query specified REQUIRE.SELECT but no SELECT list was active. [7014] CMQL: The query: Caused an internal code generation error. Please report this error, providing as much detail as possible, to InterSystems Support. [7015] CMQL: Cannot default WITH clause to AND or OR. Use AND WITH or OR WITH. [7016] CMQL: Keyword '' defined in VOC but not valid in CMQL: [7017] CMQL Internal error: Unknown type code. Column '' Routine type code =
Error messages 7100 through 7140:
[7100] Internal error in Itype tree parser. '' Please report details to InterSystems. [7103] Unexpected '' in itype ''. [7106] Itype syntax error in Dictionary item '' [7107] Itype syntax error in Dictionary item '' [7114] Unexpected '' in itype ''. [7115] Missing '' in itype ''. [7120] Itype reference to invalid function '' in item ''. [7121] Itype incorrect number of parameters to function '' in dict item ''. [7122] Reference to undefined attribute '' in itype ''. [7123] Recursive loop in itype definitions: [7124] Class reference '' needs to be in quotes in itype ''. [7125] Self reference in itype ''. [7130] Unable to open Dict of TRANS target file ''. [7131] Dict item '' not found in TRANS file ''. [7140] itypes compiled.
Alphanumeric String Error Codes
These error codes must be specified as delimited strings. They are case-sensitive.
[417NS] CreateFile Completed in namespace ''. [B0] Compilation completed. [B100] Compilation failed. [I1] I-type compilation failed. [I2] I-types failed to compile in file . [I3] Referencing compound I-type that has not yet been compiled in I-type [I4] Unable to open VOC [I5] No source for I-type [I6] I-type function too large [I7] TOTAL() not yet implemented: used in I-type [MVENOIQPTR] CREATE-INDEX on Q pointer to account '' unsupported. Use CREATE-INDEX in target account. [NYI] The feature '' in subsystem '' is not yet implemented.