CMQL Clauses
- AVERAGE clause – Synonym for AVG.
- AVG clause – Returns the average value of a field.
- BETWEEN clause – Returns items with a range of values.
- BREAK.ON clause – Indicates changes of values with indicator string.
- BREAK.SUP clause – Indicates changes of values with line breaks.
- BY clause – Sorts query output using a field value.
- CALC clause – Returns the calculated value for a field.
- COL.HDG clause – Synonym for DISPLAY.NAME.
- COL.SPACES clause – Changes the column display spacing.
- CONV clause – Converts the value for a field using conversion codes.
- CONVERSION clause – Synonym for CONV.
- DISPLAY.LIKE clause – Displays DICT entry as column heading.
- DISPLAY.NAME clause – Displays specified string as column heading.
- ENUM clause – Returns the number of occurrences of a field.
- EVAL clause – Returns an evaluated expression value as an item.
- FIRST clause – Synonym for SAMPLE.
- FMT clause – Sets column width and justification.
- FOOTER clause – Synonym for FOOTING.
- FOOTING clause – Inserts a footer on each page of displayed output.
- FROM clause – Uses the contents of a select list as query input.
- HEADER clause – Synonym for HEADING.
- HEADING clause – Inserts a heading on each page of displayed output.
- IF clause – Synonym for WITH.
- LPTR clause – Directs query output to a printer.
- MAX clause – Returns the maximum value of the values of a field.
- MIN clause – Returns the minimum value of the values of a field.
- PCT clause – Returns the percent of the total numeric values of a field.
- PERCENT clause – Synonym for PCT.
- PREFETCH clause – Improves query performance.
- REQUIRE.SELECT clause – Uses the contents of a select list as query input.
- SAMPLE clause – Limits number of items returned.
- SAMPLED clause – Limits the items returned by sampling every nth item.
- SAMPLING clause – Synonym for SAMPLE.
- SAVING clause – Saves DICT entry values as @ID values.
- SELECT.ONLY clause – Synonym for REQUIRE.SELECT.
- TOTAL clause – Returns the total of the values of a field.
- WHEN clause – Specifies a condition for query results.
- WHERE clause – Synonym for WITH.
- WITH clause – Specifies a condition for query results.