Right Triangle Routine
This is the main section.
RightTriangle /* compute area and hypotenuse of a right triangle
this routine contains examples of
new ObjectScript features */
Write !, "Compute the area and hypotenuse of a right triangle",
!, "given the lengths of its two sides."
Read !!, "First, choose a unit of measurement. ",
!, "(i)nches, (f)eet, (m)iles, ",
"(c)entimeters, m(e)ters, (k)ilometers: ", units
// translate units to a full word
Set units = $case( $extract( units, 1), "i":"inches",
:"units" )
Do {
Read !!, "Length of side 1: ", side1
Quit:(side1 = "") // exit the do loop
While $$IsNegative( side1 )
Quit:(side1 = "") // exit the routine
Do {
Read !, "Length of side 2: ", side2
Quit:(side2 = "") // exit the do loop
While $$IsNegative( side2 )
Quit:(side2 = "") // exit the routine
Do Compute( units, side1, side2)
Write !!, "Current date: "
Do ^%D
Write !, "Current time:"
Do ^%T
This section contains a user-defined function and a procedure.
IsNegative(num) PUBLIC // is num negative?
If (num '> 0) {
Write " Enter a positive number."
Quit 1 // return "true"
Else {
Write " Accepted."
Quit 0 // return "false"
Compute(units,A,B) // compute and display area and hypotenuse
Set area = ( A * B ) / 2,
area = $justify( area, 0, 2),
squaredSides = ( A ** 2 ) + ( B ** 2 )
// $zsqr function computes square root
Set hypot = $zsqr(squaredSides)
// round hypot to 2 places
Set hypot = $justify( hypot, 0, 2)
Write !!, "The area of this triangle is ", area, " square ", units, ".",
!!, "The hypotenuse is ", hypot, " ", units, "."