Storage Procedure
Let's focus on the storage procedure of mydatent. The user responds to the prompts, reviews the data, and then has the option of storing the data. As you'll see from the next few slides, you'll store the data in the global ^PersonD.
For each person, we must generate a new unique ID number, to be used as the subscript of ^PersonD. The very first time mydatent runs, ^PersonD doesn't exist, so we need to make sure that the first ID is 1, using $Increment(). This will make ^PersonD into an array similar in conceptual structure to “normal” arrays (although it's still really an ordered tree): a list of people. Each person's record is a three-piece string of their data. Here is the first section of the store subroutine:
store() [name, phone, intdob]
; store the data
read !, "Store? (y/n): ", yn ; see if user wants to store
if ( yn '= "y" ) { ; only go on if user says yes
write "...not stored."
set id = $increment( ^PersonD ) ; use $increment to generate a new ID
set rec = name _ "^" _ phone _ "^" _ intdob ; concatenate data into a record
set ^PersonD( id ) = rec ; store the record
; ...remainder of store subroutine continued on next page...