RunTest Examples
Here are some examples of using RunTest to execute your unit tests.
In order to use RunTest, you must first assign ^UnitTestRoot a valid directory name:
USER>Set ^UnitTestRoot = "C:\UnitTests"
Example 1:
USER>Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest()
Searches through all subdirectories of the ^UnitTestRoot directory for XML files containing test classes. Loads any test classes that it finds and executes the tests.
Deletes from Caché all loaded test classes after they execute.
Example 2:
USER>Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("mytests")
Loads and executes tests from the mytests subdirectory (along with its subdirectories) of ^UnitTestRoot.
Deletes the test classes from Caché after they execute.
Example 3:
USER>Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("mytests:MyPackage.Tests")
Loads tests from from the mytests subdirectory (along with its subdirectories) of the ^UnitTestRoot directory. Executes only the tests in MyPackage.Tests.
Deletes all test classes from Caché after the tests execute.
Example 4:
USER>Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("mytests:MyPackage.Tests", "/noload/nodelete")
Loads no tests into Caché.
Executes the tests in MyPackage.Tests. Note that mytests must still contain an XML file with the MyPackage.Tests class.
Does not delete MyPackage.Tests from Caché.
The test classes in the subdirectories of ^UnitTestRoot must be contained in the XML files that result from exporting the test classes, possibly along with other classes, from Caché.