Connecting a Java Application to Caché
Whether your Java code uses Java projections or JDBC it must create a connection to Caché. In general, there are two different approaches:
Create a com.intersys.objects.CacheDatabase object. When using Java projections you must use this approach. You can also use CacheDatabase with JDBC. Here is an outline of the code for creating the connection:
String url="jdbc:Cache://<server>:<port>/<Namespace>"; String username=<UserName>; String password=<Password>; try { Database db = CacheDatabase.getDatabase(url, username, password); } catch(CacheException ex){ }
Create a java.sql.Connection object. You can use this approach when using standard relational JDBC. Here is an outline of the code for creating the connection:
String url="jdbc:Cache://<server>:<port>/<Namespace>"; String username=<UserName>; String password=<Password>; try{ Class.forName ("com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver"); Connection dbconnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
Note:In the above code <Server> refers to the machine hosting Caché. If you are running locally this is localhost. <port> refers to the Caché SuperServer. You can find this number using the Management Portal. At the top of this page click Management Portal–>About. Look under SuperServer Port. In a default Caché installation the port is 1972. If you installed Caché with minimal security, the <UserName> is _system and <Password> is SYS.
Your Java code can also retrieve connections from com.intersys.jdbc.DataSource objects.