Creating the Model Class: Methods cont.
Finally, we add two more methods to the model class. These methods do the actual work of loading data from the data source into the model's properties and then saving the data from the model's properties back to the data source.
Add the following methods to MVFILE.PersonPage.cls and then compile the class.
Method %OnLoadModel(pSource As MVFILE.PERSON) As %Status { @ME->ItemId = pSource->ItemId @ME->Name = pSource->Name @ME->Hair = pSource->Hair @ME->Age = pSource->Age IF ISOBJECT(pSource->Phone) THEN FOR I=1 TO pSource->Phone->Count() @ME->Phones = @ME->Phones:pSource->Phone->GetAt(I):" " NEXT I END Return "%SYSTEM.Status"->OK() }
This method loads data from the data source into the model.
Method %OnStoreModel(pSource As MVFILE.PERSON) As %Status { pSource->ItemId = @ME->ItemId pSource->Name = @ME->Name pSource->Hair = @ME->Hair pSource->Age = @ME->Age pSource->Phone->Clear() FOR I=1 to DCOUNT(@ME->Phones," ") pSource->Phone->InsertAt(FIELD(@ME->Phones," ",I),I) NEXT I Return pSource->%Save() }
This method saves the data from the model to the data source.