The ChangeQuantity Method 3
Now all we need to do is update the value of the TotalCharge field of the order form by sending a line of JavaScript code back to the browser. To do this we use the &js<> directive within our method. Compiling a class converts the contents of a &js<> to the appropriate sequence of ObjectScript Write commands to return JavaScript to a browser.
We use the $FN function to format the total value with two decimal places. Next, we use the QuoteJS method to quote the formatted value as a JavaScript string. (Without this, the value is treated directly as a JavaScript string and loses the formatting applied by $FN.)
Note that we must save the modified TicketOrder object to the database. Note also that QuoteJS is a class method contained in the %CSP.PageOpens in a new tab class. In order to invoke the method within Cinema.UtilsOpens in a new tab, we must use the ##class(PackageName.ClassName).MethodName() syntax.
ClassMethod ChangeQuantity(
ItemNum As %Integer,
TicketType As %Integer,
NewQuantity As %Integer)
If $data(%session.Data("Order"))
// Open the current order object
Set ord = ##class(Cinema.TicketOrder).%OpenId(%session.Data("Order"))
// Update quantity
Set itm=ord.Items.GetAt(ItemNum)
// Determine if we are changing
// adult or child tickets
If ( TicketType = 1)
// Adjust the total price
Set ord.Total = ord.Total +
((NewQuantity - itm.AdultTickets) * itm.Show.Theater.AdultPrice)
// Update the number of tickets
Set itm.AdultTickets = NewQuantity
Set ord.Total = ord.Total +
((NewQuantity - itm.ChildTickets) * itm.Show.Theater.ChildPrice)
Set itm.ChildTickets = NewQuantity
// Save incomplete order.
Do ord.%Save()