Updating Data using a Form and Zen MVC
Part III of this tutorial provides an introduction to Zen forms and the Zen Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. In Part III, we enhance the Zen Contacts application from Part II by adding a form for editing contact information. After completing Part III, you will be able to do the following:
List the Zen components and classes that comprise the Zen MVC framework.
Create a Zen MVC model class using %ZEN.DataModel.ObjectDataModelOpens in a new tab.
Add a dataController component to a Zen page and associate it with a Zen MVC model class.
Add a fieldSet component to a Zen page.
Add a form component to a fieldSet and associate the form with a dataController.
Add text and dataCombo components to a form.
Use hgroup and vgroup to design a layout for the components on a form.
Customize the styles of a form component.
Hide and display a form on a Zen page.
Add client-side validation to a form.