In addition to this tutorial, Caché includes a number of resources to help you use Zen:
Sample and Demonstration Code. The SAMPLES namespace contains sample applications and demonstrations.
ZENApp — An example Help Desk application. Launch the application by opening http://<server>:<port>/csp/samples/ZENApp.HelpDesk.cls in a Web browser.
ZENDemo — Demonstration code for a large number of Zen components. Launch the application by opening http://<server>:<port>/csp/samples/ZENDemo.Home.cls in a Web browser.
Note that for a standard Caché installation on a local machine, the value of <server> is and the value of <port> is 57772. Verify the Web Server and Port for your installation using the About tab on the Management Portal.
Documentation: Using Zen, Using Zen Components, Developing Zen Applications, and Using Zen Reports.
Class Documentation. Click the Class Reference link on the top of the documentation home page.
Source Code. The source code for the Zen components is in the %ZEN package of the %SYS namespace.
You can view the source code for all of the Zen demonstration applications using Studio. Open Studio and change to the SAMPLES namespace by clicking File–>Change Namespace to open the Caché Connection Manager and then double clicking SAMPLES.
You can view the source code for all of the Zen components using Studio. Open Studio and change to the %SYS namespace by clicking File–>Change Namespace to open the Caché Connection Manager and then double clicking %SYS.