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Submitting Data to the Server

This chapter describes how to submit data from a Zen Mojo page to the server. It discusses the following:

For an overview, see “Submitting Data,” in the first chapter.

Submitting Data to the Server

To enable your page to send data to the server, do the following:

  • In the template class, define a method that sends a submit object to the server. In this method:

    1. Obtain any needed values from the page. To get the value of a control, use getControlValue(). Also see the chapter “Interacting with Layout Objects.”

    2. Create a submit object, which is a JSON object that carries the data to be submitted. This object can have any properties you need.

    3. Invoke the page method submitData(), using the submit object as an argument.

      This method has the following signature:

      ClientMethod submitData(key, data, notify) [ Language = javascript ]


      • key — The key to use when sending data to the server

      • data — A JSON object that carries the data to be sent to the server. You can omit this argument if there is no data to submit; that is, you do not need to include an empty object.

      • notify — Either null or a function. If this argument is a function, the page sends the data asynchronously to the server (rather than synchronously). Then , when the data has been sent, the page executes the function named by this argument.

      This method invokes the %OnSubmitData() method of the template class. See the next bullet item.

    4. If desired, use data contained in the response object returned by submitData().

  • In the template class, define the %OnSubmitData() method. This method has the following signature:

    ClassMethod %OnSubmitData(pKey As %String, 
                              pID As %String, 
                              pSubmitObject As %RegisteredObject, 
                              ByRef pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) As %Status

    This method returns pResponseObject by reference.

  • In the page class, within a suitable event handler or callback, invoke the method that you created in the first bullet item.


The following shows a simple example for a method that sends a submit object to the server:

ClientMethod myMainViewSelect(key, value) [ Language = javascript ]
    var mainView = zen('mainView');

    switch(key) {
    case 'submitEdits':
        var controlvalue1=mainView.getControlValue('enterName');
        var controlvalue2=mainView.getControlValue('enterCity');
        var submitobject={name:controlvalue1,city:controlvalue2};
        var response = zenPage.submitData('submitEdits',submitobject);
        if (response && response.message) {

The template class defines the %OnSubmitData() method as follows:

ClassMethod %OnSubmitData(pKey As %String, pID As %String, pSubmitObject As %RegisteredObject, 
                          ByRef pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
    Set tSC = $$$OK
    Try {
        if pKey="submitEdits"{
            set id=1
            set tPerson           = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(id)
            set tPerson.Name      =
            set tPerson.Home.City =

            Set pResponseObject = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
            Set tSC = tPerson.%Save()
            If $$$ISERR(tSC) { 
                Set pResponseObject.message = "Your changes were not successfully saved"

            Set pResponseObject.message = "Your changes have been successfully saved"
    Catch(ex) {
        Set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
    Quit tSC