abstract class %Exception.AbstractException extends %Exception.CPPException
The %Exception.AbstractException defines the interface to exceptions that may be caught and thrown via the Try/Catch exception handling facilities. Users wishing to define new exception classes should inherit from this interface class. Only instances of classes that inherit from %Exception.AbstractException may be thrown with the 'throw' command.Method Inventory
- AsSQLMessage()
- AsStatus()
- DisplayString()
- Log()
- OutputToDevice()
- OutputToStream()
- SQLMessageString()
- StackAsArray()
final method AsSQLCODE() as %Integer
Return the SQLCODE value corresponding to the exception.
final method AsSQLMessage() as %String
Return the SQL %msg string describing details of the exception.
final method AsStatus() as %Status
Convert this exception to a %Status compatible value.
This returns a string that represents the exception. Users should feel free
to modify the format in subclasses.
method Log() as %Status
Call the Cache log function (LOG^%ETN) to log this exception.
You can view this log at the terminal with 'Do ^%ER' utility or from the system management portal.
method OutputToDevice(pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This outputs the string representation of the exception to the current device, recursively
outputing any inner exceptions.
method OutputToStream(pStream As %CharacterStream, pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This outputs the string representation of the exception to the supplied stream, recursively
outputting any inner exceptions.
method SQLMessageString(pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This returns a string that represents the SQL %msg string. Users should feel free
to modify the format and content in subclasses.
DEPRECATED - use AsSQLMessage() instead. Override OnAsSQLMessage() to customize the value returned by AsSQLMessage().
DEPRECATED - use AsSQLMessage() instead. Override OnAsSQLMessage() to customize the value returned by AsSQLMessage().
method StackAsArray(ByRef array) as %Status
This method sets an array that is passed by reference to the execution stack at the time of the exception.
The top unsubscripted value is the number of execution levels.
array(n) is a string that indicates how the next level was created. It is empty for the current level. The value may be:
DO - issued a DO command
$$ - called an extrinsic function
XECUTE - issued an XECUTE command
BREAK - entered a debug prompt because of a <BREAK>
ERROR - entered a debug prompt because of an error
$ETRAP - executed a $ETRAP
CALLIN - entered via a callin
array(n,"PLACE") is the location of the last command executed at this level. It is a line reference followed by the command number on that line.
array(n) is a string that indicates how the next level was created. It is empty for the current level. The value may be:
DO - issued a DO command
$$ - called an extrinsic function
XECUTE - issued an XECUTE command
BREAK - entered a debug prompt because of a <BREAK>
ERROR - entered a debug prompt because of an error
$ETRAP - executed a $ETRAP
CALLIN - entered via a callin
array(n,"PLACE") is the location of the last command executed at this level. It is a line reference followed by the command number on that line.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Inherited Methods
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %New()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %SetModified()
- DisplayString()