abstract class %IO.IParts.SeekableIO
Aggregation holder class for methods implemented in Seekable stream classes The methods of this class work for both Byte and Character streamsProperty Inventory
Method Inventory
property Position as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 , ReadOnly ];
Property methods: PositionDisplayToLogical(), PositionGet(), PositionIsValid(), PositionLogicalToDisplay(), PositionNormalize()
property Size as %Integer [ Calculated , ReadOnly ];
Property methods: SizeDisplayToLogical(), SizeIsValid(), SizeLogicalToDisplay(), SizeNormalize()
method Find(pMatch As %String, pPosition As %Integer = 1, pEndPosition As %Integer = -1, Output pSC As %Status, pReadLines As %Boolean = 0) as %Integer
method Rewind(Output pSC As %Status)
method SizeGet() as %Integer