class %SYSTEM.Context.SQL extends %Library.SystemBase
Property Inventory
- CQLockTimeout
- Stats
- TSQLAnsiNulls
- TSQLAnsiPadding
- TSQLAnsiWarnings
- TSQLCaseInsCompare
- TSQLNoCount
- TSQLQuotedIdentifier
- contextStack
Method Inventory
property CQLockTimeout as %Integer;
Cached Query Lock Timeout
property RTC as %CacheString [ MultiDimensional ];
RTC is an array of trigger names used for statement level recursive trigger call checking.
RTC = recursive trigger check
RTC = recursive trigger check
property Stats as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
property TSQLAnsiNulls as %Integer;
property TSQLAnsiPadding as %Integer;
property TSQLAnsiWarnings as %Integer;
property TSQLCaseInsCompare as %Integer;
property TSQLNoCount as %Integer;
property TSQLQuotedIdentifier as %Integer;
property contextStack as %String) [ MultiDimensional ];
method ClearStats() as %Status
Remove any SQL stats we have aggregated so far
method SaveStats() as %Status
Store any SQL stats we have collected so far.
Normally done automatically at regular time intervals but can be forced by calling this method.
method popState() as %Status
popState will restore the state of the Context.SQL singleton from the top of the contextStack and remove
the top stack element.
This method is not normally invoked directly. It is normally called by a utility class method to pop a context.
method pushState() as %Status
pushState will push the current state of the Context.SQL singleton onto the contextStack.
This method is not normally invoked directly. It is normally called by a utility class method to push a context.