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class %TSQL.sys.log extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property logFile as %String;
Property methods: logFileDisplayToLogical(), logFileGet(), logFileIsValid(), logFileLogicalToDisplay(), logFileLogicalToOdbc(), logFileNormalize(), logFileSet()


method logError(error As %SYSTEM.Error)

Report an error from a %SYSTEM.Error object

  • error - an instance of %SYSTEM.Error

method logHeader() as %Status
method logResults(context As %Library.ProcedureContext) as %Status
method logStatus(StatusCode As %Status, Message As %String, ByRef Outcome)

Report a status message from a trace

  • sc - pass as status code

  • message - pass a message to be written both to the current device and to the log (or "") (optional)

  • outcome - pass an array of stats (optional)

method logStream(stream As %Stream.Object, pNumbered As %Integer = 0)

Copy the contents of a stream to the log

  • stream - stream to copy to the file.

classmethod startLog(logFile As %CacheString = "", initialize As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod stopLog() as %Status
classmethod traceContext(context As %Library.ProcedureContext) as %Status
classmethod traceDeferredStatement(statementType, sql) as %Status
classmethod traceError(pError As %SYSTEM.Error) as %Status

Report an error from a %SYSTEM.Error object

  • error - an instance of %SYSTEM.Error

classmethod traceMessage(message As %String(MAXLEN="")) as %Status
classmethod traceResult(pContext As %Library.ProcedureContext) as %Status
classmethod traceStatus(StatusCode As %Status, Message As %String, ByRef Outcome)

Report a status message from a trace

  • sc - pass as status code

  • message - pass a message to be written both to the current device and to the log (or "") (optional)

  • outcome - pass an array of stats (optional)

method write(message As %String(MAXLEN=""), linesBefore As %Integer = 0, linesAfter As %Integer = 1) as %Status
write() - write a message to the current log file

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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