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演習 2 : ストレージ・サブルーチンの追加

  1. スタジオを開始し、myBASdatent ルーチンを開きます。終了したルーチンも、BASdatent2.BAS として SAMPLES ネームスペースで使用できます。

  2. validPhone 関数に If 文を追加し、電話番号データがインデックス内に既に存在するかどうかを確認します。

    public function validPhone(phone As %String) As %String
    'validate a phone - just checks for 3 pieces using "-" and length
    'returns 0 for an invalid phone and writes error message
    'else returns unchanged phone with default area code added
        if (len(phone) = 8 and len(phone, "-") = 2) then
            phone = "617-" & phone ' add default area code
        end if
        if (len(phone) = 12 and len(phone, "-") = 3) then
            if exists( ^PersonI( "Phone", phone)) then
                print "Phone number in use" : println
                return 0
                return phone
            end if        
            print "###-###-#### or ###-####" : println
            return 0
        end if
    end function
  3. 新規の store サブルーチンを追加します。

    public sub store()
    ' store the data
        dim yn, id, rec, ln, fn
        input "Store? (y/n): ", yn ' see if user wants to store
        ' only go on if user says yes
        if ( yn <> "y" ) then
            println "...not stored."
            exit sub
        end if
        id = increment(^PersonD) ' generate a new id
        rec = name & "^" & phone & "^" & intdob ' concatenate data into a record
        ^PersonD( id ) = rec ' store the record
        ' break name for storage in index
        ln = piece(name, ",", 1) : fn = piece(name, ",", 2)
        ' the next three statements store data in subscripts
        ' because of the automatic sorting of subscripts,
        ' this has the effect of building 3 indices: name, phone, and DOB
        ^PersonI( "Name", ln, fn, id) = "" ' store the name
        ^PersonI( "Phone", phone) = id     ' store the UNIQUE phone
        ^PersonI( "DOB", intdob, id) = ""  ' store the DOB
        println "...stored"                ' done
    end sub
  4. 何人かを格納し、管理ポータルでグローバルを表示します。

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