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演習 3 : Lookup ルーチンの記述

  1. スタジオを開始し、新規ルーチンを作成します。このルーチンも BASlookup1.BAS として、SAMPLES ネームスペースで使用できます。

  2. 以下は、main サブルーチンです。

    Option Explicit
    dim id, name, phone, intdob, matches
    public sub main()
        dim done
            getsubmit(id, done) ' let user submit a string for lookup
            if id = 0 then continue do
            display(id, "table") ' display the chosen person
        loop until done
    end sub
  3. 以下は、getsubmit サブルーチンです。

    private sub getsubmit(ByRef id as %Integer, ByRef done as %Boolean)
    ' ask user what to search for, and take appropriate action 
        dim submit   
        id = 0 : done = False
        println : input "Lookup: ", submit : println
        if (submit = "") then ' user entered nothing
            done = True
            exit sub
        end if
        ' figure out what user entered
        if (submit = "?") then ' display help
        elseif (InStr(submit, "-") or (submit > 0 and submit < 999)) then
            println "...finding phone number"
            getphone(submit, id)
        elseif InStr(submit, ",") then
            submit = formatName@myBASdatent(submit)
            println "...finding name"
            getname(submit, id)
        elseif validDOB@myBASdatent(submit) then
            println "...finding birthday"
            getdob(submit, id)
        ' else it's an error
        end if
    end sub
  4. 以下は、help サブルーチンです。

    private sub help()
    ' display different types of lookups
        println  "You can enter:"
        println space(10), "* full name: Smith,John"
        println space(10), "* last name only: Smith,"
        println space(10), "* partial name: Sm,J or Smith,J or Sm,John"
        println space(10), "* phone number with area code: 617-621-0600"
        println space(10), "* partial phone numbers: 617 or 617-621"
        println space(10), "* date of birth"
    end sub
  5. 以下は、getdob サブルーチンです。

    private sub getdob(dob as %String, ByRef id As %Integer)
    ' perform dob lookup
    ' no partial matches
    ' if user picks a name from the list, id is returned to the caller
        dim count, loopid
        erase matches
        intdob = validDOB@datent(dob) ' convert dob
        ' is the date of birth in the index?
        if not exists(^PersonI("DOB", intdob)) then
            print " matches"
            exit sub
        end if
        loopid = ""
        ' loop through ids, and number them
            count = count + 1
            loopid = traverse(^PersonI("DOB", intdob, loopid))
            if loopid = "" then exit do
            matches(count) = loopid
            print count, ") "
            display(loopid, "line")
    end sub
  6. 以下は、getphone サブルーチンです。検索のために 3 桁のエリア・コードを指定すると、演習で述べたバグが発生します。Traverse() は、“-” 文字ではなく、数としてこれを解釈するので、以下の最初の Traverse() は正しい結果を返しません。回避策として、最初の Traverse() の前の行で、エリア・コードに “-” を追加します。

    private sub getphone(origph as %String, ByRef id As %Integer)
    ' perform phone lookup
    ' if user picks a name from the list, id is returned to the caller
        erase matches
        dim count, loopid, ph
        count = 0 ' assume no matches
        if (origph > 0 and origph < 999) then
            origph = origph & "-" ' change to a string instead of a number
        end if
        ' origph may be an exact match, if not, use traverse()
        ph = origph
        if not exists(^PersonI("Phone", origph)) then
            ph = traverse(^PersonI("Phone", origph), 1, loopid)
            loopid = ^PersonI("Phone", origph)
        end if
        ' loop through phone numbers, and number them, 
        ' quit as soon as phone doesn't match original
        ' loopid holds the ONE id per phone number
            count = count + 1
             if left(ph, len(origph)) <> origph then exit do
            matches(count) = loopid
            print count, ") "
            display(loopid, "line")
            ph = traverse(^PersonI("Phone", ph), 1, loopid)
        if not exists(matches) then ' were there matches?
            print " matches"
            exit sub
        end if
    end sub
  7. 以下は、getname サブルーチンです。

    private sub getname(name As %String, ByRef id As %Integer)
    ' perform name lookup
    ' if user picks a name from the list, id is returned to the caller
        erase matches
        dim count, loopid, origln, origfn, ln, fn
        count = 0 ' assume no matches
        origln = piece(name, ",", 1) : origfn = piece(name, ",", 2)
        ' origln may be an exact match, if not, advance using traverse()
        ln = origln
        if not exists(^PersonI("Name", origln)) then
            set ln = traverse(^PersonI("Name", origln))
        end if
        ' loop through last names
        ' quit as soon as last name doesn't match original
            if (left(ln, len(origln)) <> origln) then exit do
            ' origfn may be an exact match, if not, advance using traverse()
            fn = origfn
            if (origfn = "") or not exists(^PersonI("Name", ln, origfn)) then
                fn = traverse(^PersonI("Name", ln, origfn))
            end if
            ' loop through first names
            ' quit as soon as first name doesn't match original, or is ""
                if ((left(fn, len(origfn)) <> origfn) or (fn = "")) then exit do
                loopid = ""
                ' loop through ids
                    loopid = traverse(^PersonI("Name", ln, fn, loopid))
                    if (loopid = "") then exit do
                    count = count + 1
                    matches(count) = loopid
                    print count, ") "
                    display(loopid, "line")
                fn = traverse(^PersonI("Name", ln, fn))
            ln = traverse(^PersonI("Name", ln))
        if  not exists(matches) then ' were there matches?
            print " matches"
             exit sub
        end if
    end sub
  8. 以下は、display サブルーチンです。

    private sub display(id As %Integer, style as %String)
    ' given an id, get data and write it
      dim rec
      rec = ^PersonD(id)
      name = piece(rec, "^", 1)
      phone = piece(rec, "^", 2)
      intdob = piece(rec, "^", 3)
      if style = "line" then
        println name, space(2), phone, space(2), DateConvert(intdob, vbToExternal)
      end if
    end sub
  9. 以下は、pick サブルーチンです。

    private sub pick(ByRef id As %Integer)
    ' choose from the displayed items, and set up id
    ' id is 0 if no choice is made, id is >0 when user makes a choice
        dim choice
            input "Choose by number: ", choice : println
            if (choice = "") then exit sub
            id = matches(choice)
            if (id <> "")  then exit sub ' valid choice
            id = 0
            println "Invalid choice"
    end sub
  10. [ファイル]→[保存] をクリックします。

  11. ファイル名に myBASlookup.BAS を指定します。[名前を付けて保存] をクリックします。

  12. ターミナルを開始し、SAMPLES ネームスペースで do main^myBASlookup() と入力してルーチンを実行します。

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