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演習 4 : 編集機能の追加

  1. 以下は、最終的な myBASlookup ルーチンです。わかりやすいように、セクションを分割して表示しています。このルーチンも BASlookup2.mac として SAMPLES ネームスペースで利用できます。

  2. 以下は、変更した main セクションです。

    public sub main()
        dim done
            getsubmit(id, done) ' let user submit a string for lookup
            if id = 0 then continue do
            display(id, "table") ' display the chosen person
            edit(id) ' edit the chosen person
        loop until done
    end sub
  3. 以下は、新規の edit サブルーチンです。

    private sub edit(id as %Integer)
    ' allow user to choose, and edit their choice
        dim yn, newname, newphone, newintdob
            input "Edit? (y/n): " ,yn : println
            if yn <> "y" then
                print " changes."
                exit sub
            end if
            ' try to lock the record
            if lock(^PersonD(id), 5) then exit do
            println "...someone else is editing this person"
        if reprompt(newname, newphone, newintdob) then
            input "Store? (y/n): ", yn : println
            if yn <> "y" then
                print " changes."
                update(id, newname, newphone, newintdob)
            end if
        end if
    end sub
  4. 以下は、新規の load サブルーチンです。

    private sub load(id as %Integer)
    ' load a person into local variables
        dim rec
        rec = ^PersonD(id)
        name = piece(rec, "^", 1)
        phone = piece(rec, "^", 2)
        intdob = piece(rec, "^", 3)
    end sub
  5. 以下は更新した display サブルーチンで、load を呼び出しています。

    private sub display(id As %Integer, style as %String)
    ' given an id, get data and write it
      if style = "line" then
        println name, space(2), phone, space(2), DateConvert(intdob, vbToExternal)
      end if
    end sub
  6. 以下は、新規の reprompt 関数です。

    private function reprompt(ByRef newname As %String,_
                         ByRef newphone As %String,_
                         ByRef newintdob As %Integer) As %Boolean
    ' show current data and allow user to update it
        dim changed, newdob
        changed = False
            print "Name: ", name, "=> "
            input newname : println
            if (newname = "") then
                newname = name ' default
                newname = validName@BASdatent2(newname)
            end if
        loop while newname = 0
        if name <> newname then changed = True
            print "Phone (617): ", phone, "=> "
            input newphone : println
            if (newphone = "") then
                newphone = phone ' default
                newphone = validPhone@BASdatent2(newphone)
            end if
        loop while newphone = 0
        if phone <> newphone then changed = True
            print "DOB: ", DateConvert(intdob, vbToExternal), "=> "
            input newdob : println
            if (newdob = "") then
                newdob = DateConvert(intdob, vbToExternal) ' default
                newintdob = intdob
                newintdob = validDOB@BASdatent2(newdob)
            end if
        loop while newintdob = 0
        if intdob <> newintdob then changed = True
        println : println
        return changed
    end function
  7. 以下は、新規の update サブルーチンです。

    private sub update(id As %Integer,_
                       newname As %String,_
                       newphone As %String,_
                       newintdob As %Integer)
    ' update ^PersonD and ^PersonI
        dim ln, fn, nln, nfn
        tstart ' start a transaction
        ^PersonD(id) = newname & "^" & newphone & "^" & newintdob ' store the record
        if newname <> name then ' erase old name and add new name to index
            ln = piece(name, ",", 1) : fn = piece(name, ",", 2)
            nln = piece(newname, ",", 1) : nfn = piece(newname, ",", 2)
            erase ^PersonI("Name", ln, fn, id)
            ^PersonI("Name", nln, nfn, id) = ""
        end if
        if newphone <> phone then ' erase old phone and add new phone to index
            erase ^PersonI("Phone", phone)
            ^PersonI("Phone", newphone) = id
        end if
        if newintdob <> intdob then ' erase old dob and add new dob to index
            erase ^PersonI("DOB", intdob, id)
            ^PersonI("DOB", newintdob, id) = ""
        end if
        tcommit ' commit the transaction
        println "...updated."
    end sub
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