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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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persistent class %BI.OCRRule extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %BI.OCRRule

Property Inventory


property endPos as %String;
Property methods: endPosDisplayToLogical(), endPosGet(), endPosGetStored(), endPosIsValid(), endPosLogicalToDisplay(), endPosLogicalToOdbc(), endPosNormalize(), endPosSet()
relationship form as %BI.OCRForm [ Required , Inverse = rule , Cardinality = parent ];
Property methods: formGet(), formGetObject(), formGetObjectId(), formGetStored(), formGetSwizzled(), formIsValid(), formNewObject(), formOnDelete(), formRClose(), formRExec(), formRFetch(), formRelate(), formSQLCompute(), formSet(), formSetObject(), formSetObjectId(), formUnRelate(), formUnSwizzle()
property line as %String;
Property methods: lineDisplayToLogical(), lineGet(), lineGetStored(), lineIsValid(), lineLogicalToDisplay(), lineLogicalToOdbc(), lineNormalize(), lineSet()
property prop as %String [ Required ];
Property methods: propDisplayToLogical(), propGet(), propGetStored(), propIsValid(), propLogicalToDisplay(), propLogicalToOdbc(), propNormalize(), propSet()
property startPos as %String;
Property methods: startPosDisplayToLogical(), startPosGet(), startPosGetStored(), startPosIsValid(), startPosLogicalToDisplay(), startPosLogicalToOdbc(), startPosNormalize(), startPosSet()


index (MainIndex on prop) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: MainIndexCheck(), MainIndexDelete(), MainIndexExists(), MainIndexOpen(), MainIndexSQLCheckUnique(), MainIndexSQLExists(), MainIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), MainIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%BI.OCRRule)

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