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persistent class %BI.swMapSetupCode extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %BI.swMapSetupCode

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property KPI as %Integer;
Property methods: KPIDisplayToLogical(), KPIGet(), KPIGetStored(), KPIIsValid(), KPILogicalToDisplay(), KPINormalize(), KPISet()
property KPIDef as %Boolean;
Property methods: KPIDefDisplayToLogical(), KPIDefGet(), KPIDefGetStored(), KPIDefIsValid(), KPIDefLogicalToDisplay(), KPIDefNormalize(), KPIDefSet()


classmethod GroupMapBuildGrids(iRow, iCol, iHgt, iWdt, bIsLink)
classmethod GroupMapCreate(sName, sDesc, sRow, sCol, sHeight, sWidth, bStartMap, sFolderID) as %String
classmethod GroupMapDelete(oMap) as %String
classmethod GroupMapPointLoadAllHotSpots(iParentMapID, sGridID, bIsLink)
classmethod GroupMapRetrieveDetails(iMapID, bIsLink) as %String
classmethod GroupMapShowGridMap(iGID, bIsLink)
classmethod GroupMapUpdate(oMap, sName, sDesc, sRow, sCol, sHeight, sWidth, bStartMap, sFolderID)
classmethod GroupMapUpdateSubMaps(iGID, varMapRowColID, iRow, iCol)
classmethod InitGIS(P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
classmethod InitVariables(sFilter, sQueryVar, frmID, dbKey)
classmethod InitWebMap()
classmethod KPIShowDetListing(iMapID)
classmethod LoadDefaultKPI() as %String
classmethod LoadGISViewPort(sDivID, sBdrCol)
classmethod MapCreate(sName, sDesc, sMapRef, sFolderID, sMapLink, bStartMap, iHgt, iWdt) as %String
classmethod MapDelete(oMap) as %String
classmethod MapGetImagePath(iMapID) as %String
classmethod MapLoadAllMaps(stat, sType)
classmethod MapPointCreate(sParentMapID As %String, sX As %String, sY As %String, sName As %String, sKPI As %String, sCond As %String, sMapRef As %String, sTooltip As %String, sQueryName As %String, sQueryVal As %String, iImageID As %Integer) as %String
classmethod MapPointDelete(iID) as %String
classmethod MapPointDeleteAll(iPID) as %String
classmethod MapPointGetMapName(iMapID)
classmethod MapPointHeader(bClose) as %String
classmethod MapPointLoadAllHotSpots(iParentMapID, bIsLink)
classmethod MapPointRetrieve(iID) as %String
classmethod MapPointRetrieveAll(iParentMapID)
classmethod MapPointUpdate(iID As %String, sX As %String, sY As %String, sName As %String, sKPI As %String, sCond As %String, sMapRef As %String, sTooltip As %String, sQueryName As %String, sQueryVal As %String, iImageID As %Integer) as %String
classmethod MapRetrieveDetails(iMapID, bIsLink) as %String
classmethod MapUpdate(oMap, sName, sDesc, sMapRef, sFolderID, sMapLink, bStartMap, iHgt, iWdt)
classmethod RefreshDashBoardObject(iMapID)
classmethod ShowMapImage(imgId) as %String


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%BI.swMapSetupCode)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%BI.swMapSetupCode)

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