Introducing HealthShare Health Connect Cloud
HealthShare® Health Connect Cloud™ is an integration engine in the cloud that provides a reliable, secure, low maintenance solution for connecting any number of healthcare systems, modern or legacy. Based on InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect™, Health Connect Cloud supports all of the common messaging standards, including FHIR®, HL7v2 and HL7v3, IHE Profiles, CDA/C-CDA, DICOM, X12, and more. This allows you to exchange information securely with other healthcare organizations, clinicians, and public health agencies and store every message moving through these integrated systems. Health Connect Cloud offers guaranteed message delivery, built-in data transformations, superior monitoring, high performance, and robust auditing without the burden of setting up and maintaining its infrastructure.
Follow the easy steps in this introduction to get up and running.
For information on the day-to-day management of Health Connect Cloud, see HealthShare Health Connect Cloud Reference Information.
To learn how a development team can work together using Health Connect Cloud, see Tenants PageOpens in a new tab.
Log in to the Cloud Services Portal
The InterSystems Cloud Services Portal allows you to manage Health Connect Cloud and any additional InterSystems cloud services.
If you have an account in the Cloud Services PortalOpens in a new tab, log in to the portal.
If you do not have an account, sign up for one, as follows:
In your browser, go to the Cloud Services Portal create new account pageOpens in a new tab.
On the Create a New Account page, enter the requested information, and click Create Account.
Type the verification code sent to the email account you provided, and click Submit.
After you create your new account, you are taken to the Cloud Services page.
Sign Up for Health Connect Cloud
You can create a Health Connect Cloud subscription from the Cloud Services page of the Cloud Services Portal.
To subscribe to Health Connect Cloud:
In Cloud Services Portal, on the main menu, click Cloud Services.
The Cloud Services page shows you any active subscriptions you have to InterSystems cloud services and allows you to sign up for additional services.
On the Health Connect Cloud card, click Subscribe.
On the Subscribe page, read the pricing information and subscription options, and then Subscribe using the method of your choice.
If you subscribe to Health Connect Cloud with InterSystems, we will bill you directly. If you subscribe with your current cloud provider, billing and subscription management are handled through your account with that cloud provider.
You can also subscribe to Health Connect Cloud and other InterSystems cloud services directly from the AWS MarketplaceOpens in a new tab.
When you subscribe to Health Connect Cloud, the subscription is tied to your Cloud Services Portal account and your default tenantOpens in a new tab.
Create a Health Connect Cloud Deployment
Once you have signed up for Health Connect Cloud, you are ready to deploy it in the cloud. If you are a subscriber, you can create multiple deployments, for example, development, test, and live.
If you have just subscribed to Health Connect Cloud in the AWS Marketplace, you may need to wait a few minutes for the subscription to be finalized. You can check to see if this has occurred by checking the Cloud Services page in the Cloud Services Portal and seeing if Health Connect Cloud is listed under Active Subscriptions.
In the Cloud Services Portal, on the main menu, click Deployments.
On the Deployments page, click Create New Deployment.
On the Create InterSystems IRIS Deployment page, in the Deployment Options section:
Under HealthShare Services, select Health Connect Cloud.
Under Deployment Size, select a size.
Information is shown for the workload that can be handled for that size.
Micro is the only size currently allowed. Contact us using iService if you require larger sizes. (For more information, see Getting HelpOpens in a new tab.)
Optionally, select the Highly Available (HA) Configuration to deploy a mirrored backup server automatically to minimize or eliminate downtime to Health Connect Cloud.
Only one deployment with an HA configuration is allowed.
This feature cannot be enabled or disabled after the deployment is created.
Under Network Configuration, select a private network address for this deployment.
Click Continue.
In the Cloud Options section:
Under Cloud Provider, select a provider.
AWS is the only provider currently available.
Under Region, select a region.
Click Continue.
In the Deployment Name section:
Type a name for your deployment.
This cannot be changed once created.
Click Continue.
In the Review section:
Review the summary information.
Click Create.
It takes several minutes to deploy Health Connect Cloud. When the deployment has completed, the status under the deployment name changes to COMPLETE.
Click the card for the deployment to go to the Overview page for your new deployment. This page contains summary information, including your deployment’s Deployment ID. For more information, see Overview Page.
The Deployment ID uniquely identifies your deployment. If a deployment has a status where you cannot access the deployment’s Overview page (for example, CREATING, UPDATING, DELETING, or FAILED), its card on the Deployments page will display the Deployment ID.
Other actions are available by clicking the action menu at the top right of the card, such as setting the Service Level for the deployment or deleting the deployment. For more information, see Deployments pageOpens in a new tab.
You cannot delete a Health Connect Cloud deployment that is attached to a Network ConnectOpens in a new tab deployment. You must detach it from Network Connect before proceeding.
For more information on managing Health Connect Cloud deployments, see HealthShare Health Connect Cloud Reference Information.
Use VS Code with a Deployment
InterSystems recommends using Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with Health Connect Cloud. If you do not have VS Code, download it here: in a new tab.
Before connecting VS Code to Health Connect Cloud, you need to perform the following steps to make a user known to your Health Connect Cloud deployment and set the necessary permissions:
On the Connect Users page, create a Health Connect Cloud User.
From the System Management page, log the user in to the Health Connect Cloud Management Portal.
Then connect VS Code to your Health Connect Cloud deployment, as follows:
In VS Code, click the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar of the IDE.
In the Extensions Marketplace, search for and install the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.
The extension pack contains the InterSystems ObjectScript extension, the InterSystems Language Server extension, and the InterSystems Server Manager extension. Make sure you install all three extensions.
In the Activity Bar, click the InterSystems Tools icon.
In the Side Panel, click Add Server, and configure it as follows:
Name of new server definition: Enter a name that will help you identify the Health Connect Cloud deployment to which you are connecting.
Optional description: Enter any additional text that will help you identify the server.
Hostname or IP address of webserver: Enter the hostname of the Health Connect Cloud Management Portal, for example, (Do not include the leading https://.)
Port of web server: Enter 443.
Optional path prefix of instance: Leave this field empty, and press Enter.
Username: Optionally enter the username you created on the Connect Users page of the Cloud Services Portal.
Confirm connection type: Select https.
You should now see the server in the Side Panel under All Servers.
In the Side Panel under All Servers, click the name of the server you just created to connect to your Health Connect Cloud deployment.
You will need to enter the username and/or password of the user you created.
Expand the server in the Side Panel to see the namespaces, including the ones you create on the Productions page of the Cloud Services Portal.
Click a namespace and then click the View Code in Namespace icon to view the contents of the namespace in the VS Code Explorer.
You may be asked to enter your username and/or password again.
For more information on using VS Code with InterSystems products, see the complete documentation on GitHubOpens in a new tab.