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class %CSP.UI.Portal.LDAP extends %CSP.UI.Portal.Template

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter AUTONS = 0;
Do not switch namespace for this page: it needs to stay in %SYS
parameter CSPURL = /csp/sys/sec/%CSP.UI.Portal.LDAP.zen;
Inherited description: This parameter is used to make sure that if multiple CSP applications are mapped to the same namespace that the CSP engine can correctly identify which class corresponds with which URL. If 'LockCSPName' is true (the default, defined in the CSP application) then you can only access this page if the url exactly matches this 'CSPURL'. You can set this parameter to "" if you wish to disable this check for this class. This check is applied for all CSP urls (cls/csp/zen).
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter is automatically set to contain the url of this file used for compilation.
parameter EMSSERVICE = Users;
parameter HELPADDRESS = Home,Security Management,Security LDAP configurations,Edit LDAP configuration;
Inherited description: Each SMP page should set this link which points to the documentation anchor name.
parameter PAGENAME = Edit LDAP configuration;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter PARENTPAGE = /csp/sys/sec/%CSP.UI.Portal.LDAPs.zen;
Inherited description: This parameter defines the parent page for this page.
If the name ends in .csp, then the parent is assumed to be an autopage-enabled CSP page.
If the name ends in .cls, then the parent is assumed to be a Zen page.
This is used to automate the construction of the locator bar for this page and to build the index between portal pages and documentation.
The %GetLocatorInfo method is used to get this information.
parameter RECENT = 0;
Inherited description: If true, register visits to this page in the recent list.
parameter RESOURCE = %Admin_Secure;
Security requirement


property IsEditForm as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Inherited description: If set to 1 then the generic Save and Cancel button will be shown on the ribbon bar.
Property methods: IsEditFormDisplayToLogical(), IsEditFormGet(), IsEditFormIsValid(), IsEditFormLogicalToDisplay(), IsEditFormLogicalToXSD(), IsEditFormNormalize(), IsEditFormSet(), IsEditFormXSDToLogical()
property IsTest as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: IsTestDisplayToLogical(), IsTestGet(), IsTestIsValid(), IsTestLogicalToDisplay(), IsTestLogicalToXSD(), IsTestNormalize(), IsTestSet(), IsTestXSDToLogical()
property LDAPUserString1 as %String [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("LDAP username to use for searches") ];
Property methods: LDAPUserString1DisplayToLogical(), LDAPUserString1Get(), LDAPUserString1IsValid(), LDAPUserString1LogicalToDisplay(), LDAPUserString1LogicalToOdbc(), LDAPUserString1Normalize(), LDAPUserString1Set()
property LDAPUserString2 as %String [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("LDAP search username DN") ];
Property methods: LDAPUserString2DisplayToLogical(), LDAPUserString2Get(), LDAPUserString2IsValid(), LDAPUserString2LogicalToDisplay(), LDAPUserString2LogicalToOdbc(), LDAPUserString2Normalize(), LDAPUserString2Set()


Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Be sure to do ##super() when overriding.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method CopyLDAPConfig(LDAPConfigName As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod IsWindows() as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
method PopulateFields(ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
classmethod SaveData(pProxy As %ZEN.proxyObject) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
Call server save method.
clientmethod changedGroup() [ Language = javascript ]
Update group examples.
clientmethod changedGroupSetting(newValue) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod clearClosureTest() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod doBaseDN() [ Language = javascript ]
get BaseDN based on name.
classmethod doBaseDN1(pProxy As %ZEN.proxyObject) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
get BaseDN based on name..
clientmethod doBrowse(fieldID) [ Language = javascript ]
Launching a file selector window.
clientmethod doCopyLDAPConfig(newLDAPConfig) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod doSave() [ Language = javascript ]
Save current item.
classmethod dochangedGroup1(pProxy As %ZEN.proxyObject) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
get BaseDN based on name..
clientmethod getPageTitle() as %String [ Language = javascript ]
Get the title string to add to the locator row.
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Returning from file select OR qualifers dialog and setting the value into the appropriate field. The id of the field that needs to be updated is saved in "dialogClicked".
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Disable save button for EMS-managed pages. Be sure to use this.invokeSuper('onloadHandler',arguments); when overriding.
clientmethod showDomain(newvalue) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod showLDAP(newvalue) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggle(groupID) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod togglePW(PWOptions) [ Language = javascript ]
User changed PWOptions option. If they want to enter new password, show password fields. Otherwise hide them.
clientmethod validate() as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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