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deprecated class %ZEN.Report.Display.Chart.pieChart extends %ZEN.Report.Display.Chart.chart

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property formatPercentage as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Optional formatting string for a percentage output.
Number formats are specified in the format required for the XPath format-number function.
Property methods: formatPercentageDisplayToLogical(), formatPercentageGet(), formatPercentageIsValid(), formatPercentageLogicalToDisplay(), formatPercentageLogicalToOdbc(), formatPercentageNormalize(), formatPercentageSet()
property labelValues as %ZEN.Datatype.csv;
Optional: comma-delimited list of label values of each slice. If left blank, the series number is used.
Property methods: labelValuesDisplayToLogical(), labelValuesGet(), labelValuesIsValid(), labelValuesLogicalToDisplay(), labelValuesLogicalToOdbc(), labelValuesNormalize(), labelValuesSet()
property onlyPercentage as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
Only output percentage on slice, requires outputPrecentage to be set
Property methods: onlyPercentageDisplayToLogical(), onlyPercentageGet(), onlyPercentageIsValid(), onlyPercentageLogicalToDisplay(), onlyPercentageLogicalToOdbc(), onlyPercentageLogicalToXSD(), onlyPercentageNormalize(), onlyPercentageSet(), onlyPercentageXSDToLogical()
property outputPercentage as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
On slice output percentage
Property methods: outputPercentageDisplayToLogical(), outputPercentageGet(), outputPercentageIsValid(), outputPercentageLogicalToDisplay(), outputPercentageLogicalToOdbc(), outputPercentageLogicalToXSD(), outputPercentageNormalize(), outputPercentageSet(), outputPercentageXSDToLogical()


method hasAxes()
Inherited description: Indicates that this chart has axes and associated grids A subclass may override this to turn off axis display.
method renderGetLabelText(ByRef context As %String, XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream)
method renderSeries(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef delay As %GlobalCharacterStream)
Inherited description: Draw data series for this chart. This is implemented by subclasses. group is the SVG container for the chart components.
method renderSeriesLabels(context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef delay As %GlobalCharacterStream)
Inherited description: Draw data label series for this chart. This is implemented by subclasses. group is the SVG container for the chart components.
method renderTrigFunctions(ByRef context As %String, XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream)

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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