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class CSPX.EnsHostWizardPane extends %CSP.Util.Pane

Create new Business Host Wizard page.

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization


classmethod AddNewItem(production As Ens.Config.Production, Output item As Ens.Config.Item, poolSize As %Integer = "") as %Status
Generic method for adding a new host
classmethod AddOperationSettings(clsName As %String, item As Ens.Config.Item) as %Status
classmethod AddServiceSettings(clsName As %String, item As Ens.Config.Item) as %Status
method DrawBODY(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Draw the BODY of the wizard pane
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As %CSP.Util.PageInstance) as %Status
Inherited description: Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
classmethod EscapeHTML(text)
classmethod IsComponent(pClass As %String) as %Boolean
Given a business process class name, return if it is a component
classmethod ItemAlreadyExists(production As %String, name As %String, class As %String) as %Boolean
This method returns a boolean value that JavaScript can understand as a 1 or 0 value
classmethod OnSubmit(ByRef pID As %String, pSubmit As %String) as %Status
This callback is called when this form is submitted.
method OperationEDI(production As Ens.Config.Production, pEDIType As %String = "HL7")
Display EDI operation tab
method OperationOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display Other operation tab
method OperationWORKFLOW(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display WORKFLOW service tab
method ProcessCOMPONENT(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display COMPONENT process tab
method ProcessHL7ROUTER(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display Message Router process tab
method ProcessOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display Other process tab
method ProcessX12ROUTER(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display Message Router process tab
classmethod RuleAlreadyExists(package As %String, name As %String) as %Boolean
This method returns a boolean value that JavaScript can understand as a 1 or 0 value
method ServiceEDI(production As Ens.Config.Production, pEDIType As %String)
Display HL7 or X12 service tab
method ServiceMETRIC(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display METRIC service tab
method ServiceOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production)
Display Other service tab
classmethod ShowAddHostForm(production As Ens.Config.Production, item As Ens.Config.Item, pHostType As %String, pHostName As %String, pSubtype As %String = "")
This is used to show the OTHER tab for various host types. This was copied from EnsConfigProperty.
classmethod ShowCheck(pHelp As %String = "", pLabel As %String = "", pStyle As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pValue As %Boolean = 0, onClick As %String = "")
Show a user entry field in the form. pHelp is the hint (hover text) for the field, pLabel is the label text for the field, pStyle is the value, pName is the value, pValue is the value, onClick is any JavaScript expression you want to execute in addition to the usual setting of the on/off value.
classmethod ShowCombo(pHelp As %String = "", pLabel As %String = "", pStyle As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pValue As %String = "", pRS As %ResultSet, pField As %String = "", pPrefix As %String = "")
Show a user entry field that also provides a read-only drop-down list for the user's reference. pHelp is the hint (hover text) for the field, pLabel is the label text for the field, pStyle is the value, pName is the value, pValue is the value, pRS is the result set that produces the drop-down list (you must have this result set already prepared, usually by issuing a class query), pField is the name of the (single) field of interest in this result set

pPrefix is a text prefix to prepend to pName to make the value for the text field, so that it will be unique in all variants of the form in the generated JavaScript. JavaScript functions need the to update the field programmatically.

classmethod ShowCommon(production As Ens.Config.Production, item As Ens.Config.Item, style As %String, host As %String = "", sub As %String = "")
Display the settings that all hosts have. style is the style parameter from the caller, which may be "ok" or "error".
classmethod ShowEDIForm(production As Ens.Config.Production, item As Ens.Config.Item, pHostType As %String, pHostName As %String, pEDIType As %String = "HL7")
classmethod ShowEDIFormAdapterSettings(pEDIType As %String, pStyle As %String)
Display the Adapter fields that will be revealed or hidden by the JavaScript function selectSubOpt() based on choice of protocol and host.
classmethod ShowEDIFormStart(pHostType As %String, pEDIType As %String = "HL7")
classmethod ShowFormEnd(production As Ens.Config.Production, item As Ens.Config.Item, pLine As %Boolean = 0, pPrefix As %String = "")
classmethod ShowFormStart(pHelp As %String, pLabel As %String, pName As %String, pHostType As %String, pHostName As %String, pSubtype As %String = "")
classmethod ShowLine(pHidden As %Integer = 0, pPrefix As %String = "")
classmethod ShowOptSelect(pHelp As %String = "", pLabel As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pRS As %ResultSet, pField As %String = "", pHidden As %Boolean = 0, pDisabled As %Boolean = 0, pPrefix As %String = "")
Show a user drop-down select box, in which one of the options is to (deliberately) select nothing for now. pHelp is the hint (hover text) for the field, pLabel is the label text for the field, pStyle is the value, pName is the value, pValue is the value. pRS is the result set that produces the drop-down list (you must have this result set already prepared, usually by issuing a class query), pField is the name of the (single) field of interest in this result set, pHidden indicates whether or not to hide the field.

Unless you are hiding and un-hiding rows, you do not need pPrefix. pPrefix is a text prefix to prepend to pName to make the value for this row, so that it will be different from the pName value for the field it contains. You also need to ensure that each value is unique among ALL faces and ALL variations of this dialog in the generated JavaScript. JavaScript functions need the to hide or un-hide the field programmatically as in selectSubOpt().

classmethod ShowSpace()
classmethod ShowText(pHelp As %String = "", pLabel As %String = "", pStyle As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pValue As %String = "", pSize As %String = "40", pHidden As %Boolean = 0, pPrefix As %String = "", pErr As %String = "")
Show a table row containing a user entry field in the form.

pHelp is the hint (hover text) for the field, pLabel is the label text for the field, pStyle is the value, pName is the value, pValue is the value, pSize is a number for the field width (default 40).

Unless you are hiding and un-hiding rows, you do not need pPrefix. pPrefix is a text prefix to prepend to pName to make the value for this row, so that it will be different from the pName value for the field it contains. You also need to ensure that each value is unique among ALL faces and ALL variations of this dialog in the generated JavaScript. JavaScript functions need the to hide or un-hide the field programmatically as in selectSubOpt().

pErr is any error text you might wish to have displayed next to the field.

classmethod ShowTrueFalse(pHelp As %String = "", pLabel As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pValue As %Boolean = 0, pHidden As %Boolean = 0, pDisabled As %Boolean = 0, pPrefix As %String = "")
classmethod Submit(pRequest As %CSP.Request, pSubmit As %String) as %Status
Override submit behavior for this page
classmethod SubmitOperationHL7(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new HL7 operation
classmethod SubmitOperationOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new operation
classmethod SubmitOperationWORKFLOW(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new workflow operation
classmethod SubmitOperationX12(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new X12 operation
classmethod SubmitProcessCOMPONENT(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new Component process
classmethod SubmitProcessHL7ROUTER(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new HL7 Msg routing process
classmethod SubmitProcessOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new process
classmethod SubmitProcessX12ROUTER(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new X12 Msg routing process
classmethod SubmitRoutingRule(protocol As %String, serviceName As %String, schema As %String = "", itemRouter As Ens.Config.Item, production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Add new routing rule to complete a new HL7 or X12 service that has created its own "dedicated" router
classmethod SubmitServiceHL7(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new HL7 service
classmethod SubmitServiceMETRIC(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new service
classmethod SubmitServiceOTHER(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new service
classmethod SubmitServiceX12(production As Ens.Config.Production) as %Status
Submit new X12 service

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

FeedbackOpens in a new tab