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Advanced Editing

Advanced Editing

The Advanced Editing menu contains some commands that are displayed in certain circumstances only.

Expand Commands Displays when you have an ObjectScript routine open and text is highlighted. Replaces all abbreviated ObjectScript commands contained in the currently selected text with their full names. For example, the following code: S x = 10

Is replaced with: Set x = 10

Compress Commands Displays when you have an ObjectScript routine open and text is highlighted. Replaces all ObjectScript commands contained in the currently selected text with their abbreviated versions. For example: Set x = 10

Would be replaced with: S x = 10

Increase Line Indent Increases indent for selected lines.
Decrease Line Indent Decreases indent for selected lines.
Make Uppercase Uppercases selected text.
Make Lowercase Lowercases selected text.
Comment Line Turns a selected line into a comment by adding a # (pound sign) to the beginning of the line.
Uncomment Line Turns a selected comment into a regular line by removing a # (pound sign) from the beginning of the line.
Comment Block Turns a selected block of text into a commented block by adding a /* (slash asterisk) to the beginning of the block and a */ (asterisk slash) to the end of the block..
Uncomment Block Turns a commented block of text into a regular block by removing the /* (slash asterisk) from the beginning of the block and the */ (asterisk slash) from the end of the block..
Tabify Selected Lines Adds a tab to the beginning of each of a set of selected lines.
Untabify Selected Lined Removes a tab from the beginning of each of a set of selected lines.
FeedbackOpens in a new tab