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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

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class %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.ClassifierAnalysis extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


classmethod Analyze(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output lda As %DeepSee.extensions.utils.LDA, direct As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod ClassifierPCA(model As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Classifier, verbose As %Boolean = 1, Output d1 As %Integer, Output d2 As %Integer, Output pca As %DeepSee.extensions.components.PCA) as %Status
classmethod DirectAnalysis(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, file As %String = "", cutoff As %Double = 0.9) as %Status
classmethod DirectLDA(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output lda As %DeepSee.extensions.utils.LDA, Output sql As %String) as %Status
classmethod LDA(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output lda As %DeepSee.extensions.utils.LDA, Output sql As %String) as %Status
classmethod LDA4PCA(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, file As %String, cutoff As %Double) as %Status
classmethod PCA(table As %String, input As %String, out As %String, print As %Boolean = 1, margin As %Double = "", Output d1 As %Integer, Output d2 As %Integer, Output pca As %DeepSee.extensions.components.PCA) as %Status
classmethod PCAAnalysis(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output pca As %DeepSee.extensions.components.PCA) as %Status
classmethod PCAGDAAnalysis(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, file As %String = "", cutoff As %Double = 0.9, d2 As %Integer = "") as %Status
classmethod PCALDAAnalysis(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, file As %String = "", cutoff As %Double = 0.9) as %Status
classmethod doAnalysis(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, file As %String = "", cutoff As %Double = 0.9) as %Status
classmethod printConfusionMatrix(sql As %String, verbose As %Boolean, lda As %DeepSee.extensions.utils.LDA, Output s As %Double) as %Status
classmethod printCovector(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, lda As %DeepSee.extensions.utils.LDA) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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