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class %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.ClassifierBuilder extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property BlackList as %String;
Property methods: BlackListDisplayToLogical(), BlackListGet(), BlackListIsValid(), BlackListLogicalToDisplay(), BlackListLogicalToOdbc(), BlackListNormalize(), BlackListSet()
property CurNullReplacement as %Double;
Property methods: CurNullReplacementDisplayToLogical(), CurNullReplacementGet(), CurNullReplacementIsValid(), CurNullReplacementLogicalToDisplay(), CurNullReplacementNormalize(), CurNullReplacementOdbcToLogical(), CurNullReplacementSet()
property FactOutputColumns as %String;
Property methods: FactOutputColumnsDisplayToLogical(), FactOutputColumnsGet(), FactOutputColumnsIsValid(), FactOutputColumnsLogicalToDisplay(), FactOutputColumnsLogicalToOdbc(), FactOutputColumnsNormalize(), FactOutputColumnsSet()
property Transformation as %Integer;
Property methods: TransformationDisplayToLogical(), TransformationGet(), TransformationIsValid(), TransformationLogicalToDisplay(), TransformationNormalize(), TransformationSet()


classmethod ClassifierKeyWords(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output keywords As %String) as %Status
classmethod ClassifierPropName(i As %Integer) as %String
method EntityPCA(model As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Model) as %Status
classmethod GetLoadedFieldValues(usageTable As %String, metadataField As %String, Output values) as %Status
method Optimize(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, N As %Integer = 150) as %Status
classmethod ReadConfig(class As %String, Output config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
classmethod TokenizeValues(valueString As %String, Output values) as %Status
classmethod addIndex(classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, name As %String, properties As %String, isUnique As %Boolean = 0, isPK As %Boolean = 0, isBitmap As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod addParameter(classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, name As %String, type As %String, value As %String) as %Status
classmethod addProperty(classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, name As %String, type As %String, maxlen As %Integer = 0, collation As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod addXData(classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, name As %String, content As %XML.Adaptor) as %Status
classmethod aggreagte(sql As %String, Output D) as %Status
method buildAllModels(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method buildAndAnalyze(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method buildClassifierTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method buildDataStructure(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data) as %Status
method buildDistanceTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, className As %String) as %Status
method buildFactTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method cleanup(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data) as %Status
classmethod cleanupField(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
classmethod compile(classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
method createDistanceTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
classmethod createNewClass(className As %String, Output classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition) as %Status
method genClassifierTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method genClassifierTableBody(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, dim As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod genCrcTable(className As %String, entityName As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
method genDistanceTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, Output className As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
method genFactTable(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
method genKeyWords(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, Output dim As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod genMDTable(className As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
classmethod genOccurrenceTable(className As %String, termClass As %String, sourceClass As %String, sourcePropName, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
classmethod genSourceTable(className As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
classmethod genTermTable(className As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
method genTopSpreadKeyWords(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, Output dim As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod genUsageTable(className As %String, termClass As %String, Output tableName As %String) as %Status
classmethod ldaName(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %String
classmethod load1Value(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, metadataValue As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod load1ValueIK(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, metadataValue As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod load1ValueSQL(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, metadataValue As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod loadCrcs(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod loadModel(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
classmethod loadModels(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
classmethod loadSources(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data) as %Status
classmethod loadTerms(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
method mixKeyWords(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, classDef As %Dictionary.ClassDefinition, Output dim As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod relate(parent As %String, child As %String, pProp As %String, cProp As %String, idx As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod saveDistanceObject(className As %String, i As %Integer, j As %Integer, t1 As %String, t2 As %String, d As %Double) as %Status
classmethod setOccurrences(config As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data) as %Status
method transformValue(v As %Double) as %Double
classmethod updateRates(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, metadataValue As %String) as %Status
classmethod validateConfig(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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