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InterSystems Reports Designer

Designer Installation

Use the following steps to install the InterSystems Reports designer.

  1. Make sure the machine where you are installing InterSystems Reports Designer meets the Logi’s minimum System RequirementsOpens in a new tab. Make sure a JDK supported by both Logi and InterSystems is installed somewhere on machine running the designer. See Supported Java TechnologiesOpens in a new tab for information on JDK supported by InterSystems IRIS, and System RequirementsOpens in a new tab for JDK supported by Logi. Make a note of the path to the JDK. You need this information when you select a JDK later in the installation.

  2. Download the InterSystems Reports Designer installation kit from WRC Distributions page, using the information you received when you purchased InterSystems Reports.

  3. Click the downloaded file, and follow the steps through the Install Wizard. If you are installing on a Windows machine, and see a message Windows protected your PC, click More Info, then Run Anyway. When prompted to enter User ID and License Key, provide the values you received when your purchased InterSystems Reports.


    If you need to update the license for the InterSystems Reports Designer after the initial installation, you can do so by following the instructions provided in the Logi Report documentation.Opens in a new tab

    Accept defaults for the Installation Set, unless you want to put the designer in a different path.

    To select the JDK, click Browse and browse to the path you noted in a previous step. Select the folder one level above bin.

    Click install.

  4. Create your first catalog. A catalog is a group of related reports and their components. Each catalog is stored in its own folder on disk.

    1. Log on to the InterSystems Reports designer. If you see the Start page, click the X in the upper right corner to dismiss it. Click File > New Catalog.

    2. Enter a name and a new folder for your catalog. Each catalog should be in its own unique folder. Best practice is to give the folder the same name as the catalog.

      For Example:

      • Name:

      • Directory: C:\LogiReport\Designer\Demo\MyReports\WRCAnalytics

      Click yes to create the catalog.

  5. Configure the JDBC connection.

    After creating a new catalog, the Catalog Manager should be open. Right-click Data Source 1 and select New JDBC Connection, then InterSystems IRIS. Enter fields as follows:

    • Driver — Accept the default.

    • Server — Enter the DNS or IP of your InterSystems IRIS server.

    • Port — Enter the superserver port number.

    • Namespace — Enter the Namespace where the data is located.

    • User, Password — Enter a generic or system user that has access to the data.

    Click the Test Connection button to confirm that the connection is functional. Click OK, then Save Catalog.

After you complete these steps, InterSystems Reports Designer is installed and ready to create reports. Useful data sources include Queries, Imported SQL, and Stored Procedures. You can consult the Tutorial included with the InterSystems Reports designer product and documented in: Report Tutorial v24 OverviewOpens in a new tab. Courses are also available from InterSystems Learning Services. Search the following web page for “InterSystems Reports”: in a new tab.

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