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class %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Integ extends %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.WizardTemplate

Integrity Check dialog for Management Portal

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = %CSP.UI.Portal.Application;
Class name of application this page belongs to.
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 0;
If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
parameter AUTONS = 0;
Inherited description: If $NAMESPACE is set, auto switch namespace
parameter CSPURL = /csp/sys/op/%CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Integ.zen;
Inherited description: This parameter is used to make sure that if multiple CSP applications are mapped to the same namespace that the CSP engine can correctly identify which class corresponds with which URL. If 'LockCSPName' is true (the default, defined in the CSP application) then you can only access this page if the url exactly matches this 'CSPURL'. You can set this parameter to "" if you wish to disable this check for this class. This check is applied for all CSP urls (cls/csp/zen).
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter is automatically set to contain the url of this file used for compilation.
parameter PAGENAME = IntegrityCheck;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter RESOURCE = %Admin_Operate:USE;
Inherited description: This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on at least one of the specified resources in order to view this page or invoke any of its server-side methods from the client.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE.


property CHECKINTEGALL as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "CHECKINTEGALL");
property Directory as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Last Directory user selected
Property methods: DirectoryDisplayToLogical(), DirectoryGet(), DirectoryIsValid(), DirectoryLogicalToDisplay(), DirectoryLogicalToOdbc(), DirectoryNormalize(), DirectorySet()
property FILETYPE as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "FILETYPE");
Type from where we get the selected items from: Class or Routine.
Property methods: FILETYPEDisplayToLogical(), FILETYPEGet(), FILETYPEIsValid(), FILETYPELogicalToDisplay(), FILETYPELogicalToOdbc(), FILETYPENormalize(), FILETYPESet()
property Finished as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = "0" ];
When Run is clicked then Finished is set to 1, indicating Next and Run buttons should be disabled.
Property methods: FinishedDisplayToLogical(), FinishedGet(), FinishedIsValid(), FinishedLogicalToDisplay(), FinishedLogicalToOdbc(), FinishedLogicalToXSD(), FinishedNormalize(), FinishedSet(), FinishedXSDToLogical()
property GlobalChanged as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
If user unchecked a global, this is set to 1.
Property methods: GlobalChangedDisplayToLogical(), GlobalChangedGet(), GlobalChangedIsValid(), GlobalChangedLogicalToDisplay(), GlobalChangedLogicalToOdbc(), GlobalChangedLogicalToXSD(), GlobalChangedNormalize(), GlobalChangedSet(), GlobalChangedXSDToLogical()
property TOTALDB as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = "0" ];
Total number of DBs user selected. If it's 1 then allow to select/unselect globals.
Property methods: TOTALDBDisplayToLogical(), TOTALDBGet(), TOTALDBIsValid(), TOTALDBLogicalToDisplay(), TOTALDBLogicalToOdbc(), TOTALDBNormalize(), TOTALDBSet()


method %OnGetSubtitle() as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
classmethod DrawDBs(pSeed) as %Status
classmethod DrawGlobals(pSeed) as %Status
classmethod DrawPageTitle(pSeed As %String) as %Status
classmethod PrepareAction(filetype, selectedRows, GLOBALLIST) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
If at least one database is selected, then save it into session
classmethod SaveGlobals(pGlobals) [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod canFinish() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can Finish (i.e., enable the Finish button).
clientmethod canGoBack() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the previous page (i.e., enable the Back button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod canGoNext() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the next page (i.e., enable the Next button).
clientmethod changeCheckbox(thisCheckbox) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod disableDBboxes() [ Language = javascript ]
Disable or enable db checkboxes. If globals selected, then disable other DB checkboxes. If user unchecked the only DB they have globals selected, then enable all and lose global selections.
clientmethod doRun() [ Language = javascript ]
Now Run Integ.
clientmethod enableGlobalButton() [ Language = javascript ]
For Integrity check, if user selected more than one database, then disable the Global button
clientmethod getDBValues() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getDialogValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Get the value that will be applied when the user presses the OK button. This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod getGlobals() [ Language = javascript ]
Get global checkboxes and save it to temp global for processing.
clientmethod hasMultiplePages() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Return true if this template has more than one "page". This will display Back and Next buttons. This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onresizeHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is resized.
clientmethod showGlobals(pickGlobals) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggleCheckboxes(cbState) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toggleDBboxes(cbState) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod updateDBValues(cbState) [ Language = javascript ]
gather state of check boxes and update cbState

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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